Monday, February 16, 2009

Home At Last!

After 33 days in the ACH NICU (+1 day at Willow Creek's NICU) we are HOME!

All dressed up and ready to go...

Saying goodbye to his girlfriend...I mean, his favorite nurse!

Loaded up...

Byebye ACH! Thank you for everything!

We got home around 3:45pm. Brayden is doing so well. I think he's happy to finally be home! We weren't sure this morning if we were going to get discharged because we had a new doctor again today. Thankfully, she said he was well and that there was no reason to keep him! I think ACH broke a record when discharging us. We were out of there around noon....I've seen other parents leave as late as 9:30pm!
The last couple of hours have been spent attempting to organize the chaos that is left over from being gone for over a month. When we came home we had two big banners on our house welcoming Brayden home! I'll have to get the pics from my parents.
Well, I am already exhausted so I need to get off of here but THANK YOU sooooo much for praying for our family! We couldn't have gotten through this without your prayers!
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