Getting ready to go get weighed in...
Snuggling with Daddy...
Getting dressed again...
As far as sleep goes, he thinks that Brayden is still adjusting from having been in the NICU for 5 weeks. I haven't slept since...last week I guess. My mom stayed over last night to help (I can never repay her!)
I'm just praying that soon Brayden will start sleeping in his crib. Every time I put him in it...or his swings or his bouncy seat he just screams until I pick him up and he is too young to cry it out. So I've been sleeping on the couch with Brayden on my chest (sleeping is a way overstatement...more like I've been sitting on the couch while he sleeps). I just keep telling myself that this has to get better!
Thanks for continuing to pray for our little man!
Lilly didn't like anything but being held until she was 4 months (swing, bouncy, etc.). We also had to kind of phase her into the bassinet b/c we were so nervous that the first week home one of us just held her all the time. It gets better and easier. Just keep trying the crib and eventually he will stay there. Hang in there..and when you are really tired sleep however you can (holding him, in shifts, etc). Your life will return where you can actually spend time with your husband and eat together and talk and be awake at the same know all the things you take for granted until you have a newborn. We are so happy that he is looking good and healthy. Still praying.
Oh yeah, wearing Lilly (sling/backack)was the only way to get things done without her being upset. We were not strong enough for tough love.
I cant count the nights I ate with John Lleyton strapped to me in a sling or sleeping on my shoulder. He had colic, so we were working through those issues as well as reflux. The one day, he took longer and longer naps away from me and on a boppy pillow. He still sleeps on it due to the reflux but is finally sleeping 7 hours at night! We kept him on a boppy in the pack n play in our room till he was four months old. At this time, he was consistently NOT choking on his reflux and sleeping three hours at at time. People kept saying it will all get better with time. I remember those weeks and weeks sleeping upright just so the baby would stop crying...and now I miss it!
Hi Jenna, I have been reading your blog for a while now and I wanted to let you know I had my daughter on Jan. 12th and while she didn't go through what your son did, just last week I took her in to the dr because of the screaming. They did test her stool and noticed microscopic levels of blood, so they changed her formula from genlease to nutramigen and omg this is a life changer. she is still sleeping on me some but she is smiling and cooing, not screaming. I am not sure what kind of formula you are on but you might want to call and see if you can change formulas. Also gripe water helps her out alot and the exercise bouncy ball. We have a blog if you want to look us up. I hope things start going better for you.
I forgot to add.....we didnt do tough love either. I figured he was upset enough due to tummy issues that I wasnt going to upset him more. He is the happiest baby EVER now. We used the sling and I ended up getting a Moby wrap---greatest invention ever!
Still praying for you. So thankful that Brayden continues to do well!!
It will get better. We took turns sleeping on the couch for the first 2 months, I think. It will get better!
I think we may go to the same pediatrician? At least the same office. :-)
I'm sorry Brayden is having such a tough time. The ONLY place Harper will sleep is in her bouncy seat. Thank goodness but she screams bloody murder if I even get her near the swing or the pack and play or the crib. She has taken a few naps in the pack and play lately so I feel like we are making progress.
It's hard at first, isn't it? Harper will sleep at night but not so much during the day. It's tough.
I'm so glad Brayden has gained weight. That's a great sign. I'm anxious to know how Harper is doing in the weight area. She had lost weight when we went the first time but she was so big and swollen - I think that was normal.
Sorry this is so long. Just glad to hear an update from you.
Hang in there... it does get better. I once read that fussiness reaches its peak at 6 weeks. That was true with my daughter, who cried for the first 6 weeks (only at night!) unless she was being held. We read a couple of great books that help us know how to help her. "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child" by Marc Weissbuth saved my sanity. And "Babywise" saved hers. I pray you get some sleep soon! :)
So glad to haer that you are all doing well. We have been thinking of you guys and praying for you. Brayden is precoius and so glad to hear that you received a good report. Can't wait to see more pictures.
It will get better,life is always hectic and very little sleep with a newborn.Hang in there and he's a handsome little man,hugs and prayers....Barb
Oh dear, I can relate to all the crying! I promise - it will get better!
we'll keep praying for your little man and for the two of you! He'll get used to being home soon, don't worry!
Hey Jenna, you don't know me but I have been reading your blog and praying/thinking of you and your family often. I have twins that were in the NICU for 3 weeks and it was a tough adjustment home. We went through the same thing for awhile at night. Finally I found something that worked for them both. I know, I know you are probably getting a million "nice suggestions" and it gets really old...but if something works it is worth it. We swaddled our babies Really tight and played music or heart beat bear in their crib. We always had a night light. Because they were NICU babies....they couldn't sleep when it was quiet. Good luck!
be careful that he dont fall off your chest mine almost did..
Hey girl, I'm so sorry you're going through that right now! I have been praying for you guys ever since you had him! Things WILL get might take a while to get there, though. My husband and I switched on and off every time our daughter, Makayla, slept. We did the exact same thing you guys are doing...laying on the couch with the baby on your chest. It's rough, but he'll sleep on his own eventually. It took until Makayla was 11 months old before she ever slept through the night. You just gotta stick it out...I know it sucks, but it will get better! God doesn't give you anything you can't handle. :) I hope that helps, at least a little bit.
It will get better! he's been through so much and is still adjusting to being home. have you tried a wrap for him? like a maya wrap?
I am so sorry. It is so hard on everyone when you have a baby that doesn't sleep. My son was born last April. He didn't start sleeping in chunks until January and he is still waking up 1-2 times a night(I feel blessed now). My son also had bad reflux. I tried everything from sleeping him in a boppy pillow, a regular pillow, the swing, etc. He would at least sleep an hour at a time in his carseat swaddled up. I know someone else who takes her baby for a drive in his carseat and then has a swing thing that the carseat hooks onto in the house. Anyways what I am getting at is just keep trying different things. Something will work. Even if it doesn't Heavenly Father will get you through this. It is only temporary. You are a good mother and he knows you have the strength and patience to do this.
I really does get better! I'll be praying that you get some much-needed rest!!
We are so glad to see your update and hear about his good growth progress. I don't think a baby is EVER old enough to cry it out - please comfort him! Put yourself in his tiny shoes for a minute - you are is world, he is helpless without you. Buy the wonderful book "No cry sleep solution" by Elizabeth Pantley (sp?) - it's great. Take care!
Jenna my baby girl (who's almost 8 now) ate every hour on the hour for the first 6 weeks of her life. People thought I was making it up and would laugh it off. Well my mil watched her for me while I took my younger sil somewhere and she learned that I wasn't kidding. Anyway I slept on the couch as much as I could with her on my chest for those first six weeks. Like others had said... it will get easier, just hang in there. Btw he's such a cutie.
Glad to hear that Brayden is gaining weight! Pretty soon he'll be on regular 20 cal formula, that will help his little belly :) Will was held practically his first three months too. The NICU does wonderful things but it does also make it harder to transition home. Just cherish the time when Brayden is awake & not crying. The are only little for a little while, time is so precious. Thinking of you guys, and sending you smiles~ Annette & Will
So happy to hear that he's growing and developing well..I know that's a huge relief to you after all you've been through. I totally feel your pain about sleep..I can't tell you the number of nights I've sat up with a baby on my chest. At the time it's stressful and very tiring but they're only so little for such a short time and before you know they won't want to be held and you'll wish for those times again. Try to enjoy everything and just live in the moment. I know that's easier said than done when he cries everytime you put him down though. Keeping you in my prayers!
Hang in there. Praying Brayden starts to sleep better and cry less so you can get some sleep now and then, too.
I found your blog recently and was praying for your son to heal. I am so excited to see that God has allowed him to come home and be with his mama and daddy. You are doing great!! The NICU was a lifesaver but it comes with a price in that these little ones will be more needy and more traumatized because of their tough start in life. Consider co-sleeping with him. We gave up on the crib when my daughter refused to sleep longer than 30 minutes on her own. I know you aren't nursing but he still will need the constant contact with you--he needs it! You are giving him that. I know it is hard though so I will keep praying!!
We are co-sleepers too. Both of my sons slept with us immediatly home from the hospital. I know all the books say not to, but for us it worked best. After a while, we started them out sleeping in their crib and then if they woke at night I would move them to my bed. My 5-year-old has been sleeping in his own bed for a very long time now and my 16 month old is still with us some. But we sleep! My point being that you have to do what you have to do and he will eventually sleep in his own bed. Check out books by Dr. Sears - or his website. His view on this (and other things) is very interesting.
I am so glad that the appt. went well and he gained that much weight! WOOHOO!!
I am sorry that I cannot give you any words of wisdom concerning conquering sleepless nights, but as other readers have stated - it will get better; Brayden will adjust and start sleeping. Yay for Brayden's weight gain! Praying that you all get lots of sleep. And just wanted you to know...every picture you post of Brayden is cuter than the last!
Annapolis, MD
I too am sleeping on the couch with Jonah on my chest or snuggled up beside me. It has already gotten easier for us. I'm sure Brayden will get used to life at home soon. He's making great progress!! Praise God!
someone gave me this LIFESAVING advice... get the book "healthy sleep habits, happy child" by dr. marc weissbluth. i know, there are several books out there on getting a child sleep trained, but i am telling you, you only need to read this one. (i read them all) of course you know that since brayden was sick, his circumstances are different, and also know that you can't really sleep train until they're about 3 months old, but read this now so you can be ahead of the game. i would also talk to the doctor about any special directions based on his health conditions, but regardless, once he is a little bit older and totally healthy this book will save your sanity, your life...!!!!! good luck. know that it doesn't last forever!
Hi Jenna
I have been reading your blog for awhile now (I link it through Kelly's) and I have been praying for Brayden and all of you. I had a baby who cried ALOT for months and now she is the greatest teenager around! It will get better and like another poster said you will miss these days, although I am sure that it doesn't seem like it in the middle of the night!
I will continue to pray for all of you!
Hi Jenna, Oh I feel for you! It will get better I promise. My baby wasn't in the hospital but she was early and had colic so I can relate. Thank God for Grandmothers.
totally agree with everyone else... it gets better mama! :)
remind me of those words in july. i can't imagine how busy i will be with two! :)
good for you "trying" his crib. greyson slept in our room for almost five months, no joke! greyson just didn't seem able to soothe himself for awhile.
brayden's weight gain is terrific btw! -tara
Best advice I ever got, do whatever works best for you. If you find a place that he will sleep, let him sleep there. My boys both had reflux. The oldest one would throw up if I laid him down after a feeding. I had to hold him upright. He also never wanted to be held in a cradled position, always wanted to be up. He slept rarely. I was lucky if he took a a 45 minute nap during the day. He didn't go down for the night until about 1 am, and wake up every hour and a half to eat. He would start the day at about 6 am. Needless to say, I was a walking zombie. My friend used to tell me to get him on a schedule and put him in his bed to go to sleep, that would fix everything. When I would try that, he would throw up all over. Then, not only was he not asleep, but he needed a bath. So, try everything you can think of, do what works, throw out what doesn't, love that little baby, and don't let anyone make you feel bad because they think you are doing it all wrong. Babies with reflux are just hard to take care of. They grow up really fast(even though it doesn't seem like it when you aren't getting any sleep)
It WILL get better sweetie! Just hang in there.
I haven't commented, but have been reading since you had your sweet boy. I have SO been there with a screaming, fussy baby and I used to be an RN in the NICU here (now I work Labor and Delivery). The only thing I can say is IT WILL GET BETTER. I have 3 kiddos now, 2 were very very fussy--scratch that, screamed all the time, and my youngest is now 10 mo old. IT DOES GET BETTER, YOU WILL START TO SLEEP, YOU WILL ENJOY YOUR CHILD. Also, just want to remind you to be on the lookout for post partum depression. I don't know your whole situation (obviously) but I have seen a lot of women (NICU moms included) suffer longer than they needed to and I myself had some w/my 1st babe.
It will get better. I am a mommy of 4 the last 2 being b/g twins and the first few months at home you should only be in survival mode. Do what it takes it will get better!
Jenna~I have been so thrilled to see Brayden progress! I know you are tired & remember you have been sick & your body is still recovering from carrying him inside.
I just read Kelly's comment abt Harper sleeping in her bouncy seat & that is exactly what my Emily did. She had colic (couldn't even manage formula--had to nurse even when she threw up all the time) & we moved to Germany when she was 6 weeks old. So I just took her bouncy seat apart & stuck it in my suitcase. It actually turned out to be rather convenient for traveling. The rest of the (screaming) time, I held her & kept reminding myself that there would come a day that she was not going to want me to hold her & I just learned to relish it. Turns out she is still a snuggler at (nearly) 10!
Hi Jenna,
Just popped in to get an update on how Brayden is going..... and I want to encourage you!! Life sure changes when little ones come along, especially in the way of sleep. As the first commenter here said, get sleep however you can. He needs so many cuddles from you in the coming weeks and months as he transitions and recovers from a rocky start. BUT he'll get there!! Don't despair, it will get easier as time passes. Keep praising and rest when you can. :) Bless you!
1. Brayden is adorable, and gets cuter everytime I see him.
2. I know Brayden was in the NICU for 5 weeks and a lot of his sleeping issues are from that, but the sleeping thing is normal. It will get better. It may take a while (we're going on 9 months here, and we still have issues), but it will get better. Just hang in there and try and get him to sleep however he can.
Are you swaddling him? My BFF said her son wouldn't sleep unless he was "wrapped up like a larva". Hang in there.
When we send babies home from our NICU, they have usually learned to sleep (A) swaddled like a mummy, (B) with the lights on, and (C) with a fair amount of noise.
I have heard great things about the Miracle Blanket, which makes it easy to swaddle even a larger baby. A light on in the hallway or a night light may help mimic the light in the NICU. And music or one of those white noise machines might help because the noise of the NICU is more like a continuous background noise, much like the waves or the rain storms of those white noise machines.
Praying for you!
Im a christian mom of 4 who was praying for both your son and Kelly's. I praise the Lord that Brayden and Harper are doing so well!!
It took awhile for my kids to sleep much at night. I would say by 2 motnhs or a little more it got much better. I would use the car seat sometimes too and for my first that seemed to help. Id have it right in our bedroom. It seems like a very normal thing that for some reason babies just need some time to get adjusted to their days and nights. I'll be praying that soon he'll sleep better and slowly sleep more and more for you. It isn't easy. Hopefully he'll be sleeping better soon. Does a warm bath before bed help at all? I would also try to get my kids some awake time after there feedings. Even if it was just 15 mints. then back to nap. Sometimes that helps to adjust their days with there nights. They learn to slowly be awake a bit after feedings durring the day. But at night no play time just right to bed after being fed, dim lights and such.
Just some suggestions but in the end you and daddy have to do what works as every child is so different and unique there just isn't any set rule just trial and error. If something works great if not try something else. Most of all God gave brayden to you both so pray he'll giude you and give you the wisdom to do whats best. God will and he certainly has the power to help your little guy sleep better so you can rest.
I'll pray for this for you. God bless you richly!
~Joy =)
Jenna, I have been following your blog since before Brayden was born. IT WILL GET BETTER!! He will be 10 years old before you know it, and you will look back at these days and wonder how they passed so quickly! I promise! My children are 13 and 10, and it seems like just yesterday that we brought them home from the hospital. Enjoy every minute because you will never have this time back! God Bless!
My daughter screamed 24/7 for 6 weeks due to formula issues. I thought I was going to pull my hair out. It was all possible emotions wrapped up into one. I feel for you and will be praying.
It will get better.
My 3rd daughter was born 6lbs,she loved being held and wouldn't sleep but we did have luck with her carseat (hey whatever works right?). She loved being swaddled up and asleep in her carseat. It might help with Braydens tummy too.
praying for you.
Praying that brayden adjusts soon! Praying that you get caught up on your sleep! Rejoicing that Brayden has gained weight!
It WILL get better! Don't let people tell you that you are going to spoil him either... there is no such thing as spoiling a baby in the beginning months!!
My first son had colic and I swear sometimes I wondered how in the world I would get through the night! But once 4 months rolled around the nights got better which made the days easier also! There really is light at the end of the tunnel!!! =)
I'm so glad he's gaining weight, and doing well. (other then sleeping) ;)
Jenna, "The Happiest Baby on the Block" by Harvey Karp really worked for us. Get it and just read the part about the "cuddle cure". Swaddle, swing, shhhh in the babies ear (loud), suck (paci), and hold on side or stomach. Also, a friend of mine told me she "trained" her son to like the swing and bouncy by leaving him for about 2 min at a time while talking to him and being really cheerful. Over time, she increased to 3 min, 5 min, and eventually he learned to love the swing. I am so sorry about the lack o sleep, it is SO hard! Praying that he will adjust and continue to be healthy.
I am glad to hear that Brayden had a good appointment and that he is gaining weight. He is so cute!!!
I will be praying for you that each day gets a little easier and soon you will be sleeping :)!
Jenna he looks precious! I am so excited to read about how he is doing and praying praying praying that you'll be able to get some sleep - first B's got to learn to sleep and relax! =) anyways! you're in my prayers!!!
much love & prayers from WA state!
Oh goodness. I will be praying. I have these visions of what what life is going to be like when we bring our sweet little baby home and deep down I know that it really will not be like I have invisioned! I know there will be many sleepless nights on the couch, pacing the house, and maybe even some driving around! I will be praying for you to find rest. That is so important for you to be the best mommy to Brayden.
Glad to hear that Brayden is gaining weight. He is so precious! Praying that your family gets some much needed rest and that Brayden's health continues to improve.
Hi Jenna,
I'm also a first time mom. My daughter didn't stay in the NICU, but we also struggle with sleep the first couple months. I wanted to give you some things you could try. I didn't do all of it, but I know other who did. Swaddling was a bid one that worked for us. I hates the swaddling blankets though. 15 or 30 minutes into sleeping it would come undone. I bought this: and it works great. It has velcro, so it's harder to open when baby moves. Also, if Brayden likes the carseat, this blanket has a hole for the carseat strap.
I know parents that would put the baby in the carseat and the carseat inside the crib. "to get them used to the new room, but in a known place" they would say.
Also, a wrap or a sling. I had a wrap and I loved it. I used it a lot, specially to be able to get things done around the house.
One mom of 4 I know had 2 tips: she would put a heating blanket in the crib or pack n play, and when you are ready to lay baby in there, take it off. But that way the bed would be nice and warm and he won't go from nice and warm in your arms to cold bed. She also suggested putting in there a shirt that you were all day, so your smell will be in the crib with baby. Doctors might be against this though because of the risk of sids (they say no to anything loose in the bed). I guess you could try to put it under the sheet! (I never used this, so I don't know).
And let me say, be careful with the habits you form now. My dad had to put me in the car and drive around the block for 2 years ever single night otherwise I wouldn't sleep. I'd say, if that works, use it once in a while as a last resort.
I'll leave another comment if I remember anything else. I hope this helps.
I'm praying for you.
I am so glad to hear he gained weight. I am sorry about the sleeping issue. I pray that he begins sleeping in his crib soon!
How wonderful that he is doing so well in the weight-gain area! I will continue to pray that he does better sleep-wise and adjusting to home and that you all will get some rest. Poor mama! And as always, I have to comment on how absolutely adorable your little guy is - he is so precious!
Try on his side with his head up against the top of his bed--resting touching the bumper--maybe evn in the corner so that his head is wedged in. They have gizmos to keep them on their sides. Swaddle tight. Keep room DARK and try a white noise machine. ALWAYS use the same routine. If he needs to fall asleep with you, fine, then GENTLY transfer him to his crib. sometimes these babies are so used to something against the top of their heads (ie your cervix) they sleep much better like this. You can even turn him sideays and block off half the crib to make the space smaller and do the same technique I stated above. GOOD LUCK-- I have 4 kids!!!
Diehnee in NJ
Yay Brayden!!! Weigh gain after NICU is always great!
My youngest son didn't sleep through the night (or more than 3 hour stretches) until he was 11 months old. But I was to blame for that. I didn't want him to cry in fear that his Microtia may be affected. But with my two older sons, (eldest being in the NICU for 3 weeks and PICU for another 3 weeks), they never wanted to be put down either, until I wrapped their teddy or security pillow with a shirt I wore all day (that didn't stink or have gunk on it). I would bathe them right before bedtime, swaddle them, and laid them down to sleep in the crib with my shirt and it helped calm them down. I won't lie, they cried and whimpered for about 5 minutes but were pretty much over it once they smelled me close by (both were about 3 months when I did this). Good luck and thanks for the great update!
i am so sorry that you are going through this! this too shall pass! this too shall pass! it will get better i promise. hang in there..i will pray for peaceful and restful nights for you my friend. just take care of yourself! as long as you are taking care of yourself, you can take better care of that precious baby boy. i have read some of the other comments, the slings are awesome! my son is 2YO and i still use mine! that might help to get some stuff done!
Jenna - Hang in there, I had a baby that only slept in her little portable swing that sat close to the ground. She was in it until she sat up at 8 months old and tried to climb out:) We bought/tried anything from different formula to bottles, anything anyone suggested. Our pedi. also informed us that we weren't burping her hard enough. She was our first and we were trying to be gentle but she needed a good burp which helped a little.
Also, not sure if you are familiar with this website the mom swears by this thing called a miracle blanket. It snuggles them really tight. Check it out - at this point anything is worth a try but it does get better and hang it there.
I hope it all gets better! I'm sure it will. I'm glad to know that Brayden is doing much better though! Praise the Lord!
I don't know if this will help at all, but we spent 3 weeks in the NICU at Childrens, and our son had trouble adjusting also. We finally had to keep music playing in the room through the night when he slept. He just loved the noise. He also slept with a lamb that you could play different sounds. The kid just had to have sound to sleep with after being in the noisy NICU. Best of luck.
My Andrew was like that when we got home from the NICU. He slept on my chest and I laid in bed with him- not sleeping for fear of dropping him! It took it's toll on me, but he started sleeping much better at 4 months and now at 17 months he sleeps 12-14 hours- I guess he's making up for lost time!
Like the country song It won't be like this for long'. He will sleep, I promise. Now mom has to learn to sleep during the day when he sleeps if possible. You will come to covet your naps. My girl is 4 and I still look forward to naptime on the weekends.
Praise the Lord for gaining weight and doing so well at home. God bless!!!
Hey Jenna, my baby had a 3 wk NICU stay and we struggled with the same things once we got home. I think it's a NICU thing. I let her cry it out starting at aorund 12-14 wks and she did good. Things got MUCH better after that. My mom was there to help us out too! Lifesavers!
Sweet girl, it WILL get better! Those first couple of months with a newborn are HARD. It's so great and so amazing and so worth it, but it is TOUGH. You are doing great...just hang in there!
Brayden is such a cutie! I am going to pray, pray, pray for some good nights of sleep!
Kind of a invisible blog reader of many blogs and couldn't help but post a comment to your post. I know how it is to be exhausted and can't help but lend a hand to a fellow Arkansan (I live in NWA) My 3rd son wouldn't sleep in anything but the bouncy seat, car seat or on mom or dad. One day I was at the end of my rope and had a wild idea and put the boppy pillow in the pack & play with him...but not in the traditional way. I put it underneath his legs where the boppy is pushed up against his buns and his legs rested on top. The It worked like a dream! It created the pressure on his tummy that he got when I was holding him or if he was in a more sitting position. Plus it worked as a positioner too! Give it a try it can't hurt.
Jenna - I have been following your journey with Braden and I'm so sorry he is not sleeping. My first child would only sleep on my chest and now at 5 when she is sick or exhausted she will still come in our room to say "Mommy can I lay on your belly." I couldn't appreciate those moments until I look now with her legs hanging all over how sweet it is that she is healthy. We didn't start in the NICU like Braden but went to the Dr. office daily for a few weeks due to eating issues and weight gain. So, I totally relate to the no sleep and lots of prayers! It will get better we will keep praying! T
We suffered the dreaded colic and reflux....literally makes you sob as a parent! We will pray for is truly SOOOO TOUGH.
I work with Pediatrician's every day and the book recommended Healthy Sleep Habits, Healthy Baby was recommended by them. I do not know if this is recommended at Brayden's young age, but hopefully you can use some of the books ideas.
In our prayers....
Wow! I was prepared to leave this encouraging comment about how my daughter and I slept on the couch till she was 3 months old, instead I find encouragement in the fact that I wasn't the only one!! My daughter is 2 now and is a sleeping angel! I used the boppy a lot, because I could cradle her close but still have the support if I fell asleep. I don't know how you make it through those times, but you do and I don't even remember how tired I was now. I have been praying for precious Brayden and praise God he is home and doing well!
God Bless
Beth (Tulsa, OK)
Yea on the weight gain! That's so exciting when they are so tiny and they are gaining! Doesn't it make you feel so proud with any bit of weight they gain?? hehe! Bless his heart...I KNOW that is hard with the sleeping issues. Hang in there! It seems so long now, but I promise it goes by so fast. And you will hardly remember it. (And will probably look back one day and wish you could do it again! Mark my words!) He looks beautiful!
It's difficult to figure out sleeping issues. When we brought our 3 preemies home (13 yrs ago), they were use to the NICU being bright and noisy. We installed a dimmer switch in their bedroom, and slowly turned it down over several weeks. We also kept a white noise/CD player going on low. They slept with the light on and with noise. As soon as it got dark and quiet, they would wake up.
Check my blog for a bloggy award! You deserve it!
i think we go to the some pediatrician too! it's so awesome to see him out & about!
Someone else commented on the "No Cry Sleep Solution" book, recommend it! My first was an extreemly needy, colicky baby and we ended up getting a co-sleeper so that he was right next to me. That was a life saver! I remember many nights on the couch with him on my chest...I actually wore him in a wrap so that he couldn't fall and I could rest. My ped said that in his case it was OK for him to be on his tummy because it was more comfortable for him due to the reflux. Just do what you feel in your mommy heart is right. It will get better!
What a little sweetie. He is so cute!
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