Friday, January 16, 2009

Update on Brayden

I first want to thank you all for your prayers. We really, really need them right now. Brayden was taken by Angel One helicopter to Little Rock yesterday at one am. I checked myself out of the hospital after being there 24 hours post birth and we were able to tell him goodbye and follow by car. We arrived at 4:30am yesterday.

Brayden is in critical care at the NICU of the Children's Hospital. We just got a call this morning that he is doing a little worse after having a fairly good yesterday. We don't know what to think or what to do at this point. The doctors are doing everything they can. His condition is calledf PPHN which basically means pulminary hypertension.

Please, please continue to pray for our little boy. He is fighting soooo hard.


Rhonda said...

Our prayer are with you and your sweet baby!!!

Anonymous said...

Lots of prayers coming to your family from New Jersey.

Kendra said...

Oh my goodness Jenna...I have been praying for your little boy all day yesterday and last night, I am glad you updated this morning. I will be ON MY KNEES for your little baby!!!!!
I am praying for you and Chris as well...

Robin Lynn said...

I have been praying and I will continue to pray even harder. God is with you...I know you know that.
Thinking of you and holding you close to my heart.

Kali said...

Jenna, you dont know me but I know alot of the same people that you know. I live in Little Rock and my son was at ACH for the first 2 months of his life having open heart surgery last year. ACH is AMAZING. I am praying for Brayden. Please email me if you need anything!! I am at ACH all the time with Parker. Also if you just want to take a good shower or have a good night sleep...I live like 10 minutes away. My email is Please let me know if you need ANYTHING!!

Chele said...

I found your blog through Kelly's. Know that I am praying for you and your sweet baby boy. God will get you all through this! Keep the faith!
In HIS love,
Chele, KS

Little Miss Diva said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family!

TheDPGang said...

Lots of prayers for you, Chris and sweet Baby Brayden. Take care of yourself - Brayden will need his mommy to be strong and healthy for him.

Beth Roberts said...

Wow, I've been praying for you constantly...hang in there!!!

Anonymous said...

I have been following your journal but have never posted. I want you to know that I am praying for Brayden and you!

Jennifer said...

Jenna, I am praying so hard for Brayden, as well as you and Chris. Please keep us updated as you can.

Jennifer | GraceLikeRainBlog said...

Praying for you and Brayden in Oklahoma this morning. I've never commented on your blog before, but I found you through Kelly's Korner.

Mandy said...

Oh Jenna, I am praying so hard for you guys!! ACH is an amazing place and I know that Brayden is in great hands there!!

The Meredith's said...

I am praying for your sweet baby and for you and your family! Hang in there and know that God is with you and will take care of you all!

The Allens said...

Jenna, I am following this very closely. Post as you can, but keep your faith and your strength up. You are going to HAVE to eat and sleep to be able to give Brayden what he needs.

Anonymous said...

My friend's little boy had the exact same condition. He was a fighter and is now a perfectly heathly 2.5 year old.

All of you are in my thoughts and prayers.

pinkmommy said...

I am praying for you and your little boy.

Nicole said...

I am praying for little Brayden, and you and Chris! I also pray for the medical staff watching over you guys. God is with you and will lead you through this!

Megan L Hutchings said...

My heart hurts for you, but please know that I will be praying for you, Brayden, and good news ;)!

Ashley said...

I am praying for you and Brayden.

Vonda said...

I will be praying for you, Chris, and little Brayden. Rest in the peace of knowing that God is in control. Take care of yourself.


Anonymous said...

how very hard this must be for you.
know that people you don't even know are praying for you and your little boy right now..
God bless you and your entire family!!

Adrienne said...

Prayers are being lifted up for lil Brayden and your family. My sis is a nurse at ACH and your previous poster was right, it is an amazing hospital. God has brought you this far and won't leave you! He'll be a happy healthy infant soon.

Anonymous said...

Jenna, I don't know you personally, but I feel very close to you in a way, been reading your blog daily and I also am a new mom. I will keep praying for little Brayden!!! God will heal him, I know it! Just stay positive and be strong for him. Kerry

MamaBear said...

Praying for you and Brayden in Fayetteville.

Meredith said...

Jenna, I really am thinking of ya'll SO much! Praying Praying PRAYING too! I cannot say it enough!

AmberKoren said...

I'm so sorry to hear this. I've been reading your blog every single day for months. My husband and I are praying for you and your family. He is watched by God's Angels.

Mary Kate said...

Oh Jenna, I am so sorry to hear this! He is in great hands at ACH! I will be praying for you guys!

Anonymous said...

Jenna, I am so sorry to hear about your little boy Brayden. I just wanted to let you know that my thoughts and prayers are with you.

Christa - Magnolia, Texas

Kelly said...

Jenna - Scott and I have prayed for ya'll night and day. We are thinking of ya'll so much.

Kendra said...

Jenna I just wanted to comment again that I am PRAYING for your sweet baby boy...
Our eyes are on you Lord, please breathe into this precious baby's lungs, we know You are the Great Physician.
Psalms 121: 1-2
"I lift up my eyes to the hills—
where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth."

Anonymous said...

I found your blog through Kelly. Precious Brayden is in my prayers. I will continue to pray for the complete healing of his lungs. May God give you all His sovereign peace and strength.
Amy in Houston, TX

Amy said...

Much love and many prayers coming your way...

Anonymous said...

Praying for healing in Brayden's body!! Keep the faith and know that we are all praying!

Anonymous said...

My prayers are with you!

Immeasurably More Mama said...

I'm praying, Jenna!

Anonymous said...

My prayers are with you and Brayden. Thanks for keeping us updated.

4shepherds said...

Jenna, you and your son and family are in my thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

With tears as I have 4 children of my own I bring your son in ernest prayer before the throne of grace and will be pleading with our heavenly father for healing of your son.

In His mercy and goodness and love but most of all because of and through His son I pray he heals and restores him to good health. I pray in strong faith, for we have a powerful, great God in heaven who hears our prayers and gives ear to the cries of his dear preciouse children. He loves you dearly.

Oh father in heaven in mercy I pray through your preciouse son and our savior give ear to our prayers because you are great, you deserve the glory, how this would bring much glory to your name to heal this little one. We trust you, we praise you in your great love and and mercy hear us and answer according to your good will. In jesus we plead you'd remember your love and kindess, in Him heal this preciouse little boy. You have braught this family this far I plead you'd allow them to bring this preciouse baby boy home healthy and well. At your word it can be done. May you strenghten these parents and give them comfort and grace be there steadfast rock durring this difficult time that they'd find all there comfort in you the great physician. Here our prayers, remeber our frame, you are our all and all, remeber your tender mercies, I pray in jesus name, Amen.

Jenna said...

Praying my heart out for your sweet boy!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jenna. you don't know me, but I follow your blog and wanted to let you know I will be praying for you. I was in your shoes a little over a year ago. I live in El Dorado,AR and my son was born 10 weeks early. he too was air flighted to children's in LR. I know you are scared, but your son is in the best hands. my email address is if you need someone to talk to feel free to email. I will be praying for you guys and little Brayden.

Whitney moreland

Lianna Knight said...

So praying for you and that sweet baby!

Amanda said...

Jenna, my daughter was born at 26 weeks and spent 87 days in the NICU. It's SO unbelievably hard not being able to hold your baby in your arms and have them at home with you. I am so sorry you are having to go through this difficult time. I am glad you have family around to help and support you. Know that He is with you and you, Brayden and Chris are surrounded in prayer. May you feel His peace and comfort and His guidance of the NICU team.

Anonymous said...

Praying for you and Brayden. I live in Danville, AR and found your blog through Kelly's Korner. AR Childrens Hospital is the best place he could be.

Guy and Julie said...

Jenna--know that I am praying for you!

Lauren said...

Praying for you and Chris and that sweet baby boy.

Anonymous said...

I am praying for you and your family. Know that your blog community is lifting you in prayer!

Hang in there.

Amy Stalls said...


You do not know me, but I actually found your blog through Kelly Stamps - we grew up in the same town and her father was my pastor. I actually live here in Little Rock now and work at ACH. If you need anything at all while you are here, even if it is for someone to come and sit with you or pick up any personal items for you, please call my work number at 501-364-3627. I am praying for Brayden.

Amy (Wallace) Stalls

Amanda Ledford said...

Jenna, I am praying so hard for you, Chris, and Brayden.

Preppy Pink Crocodile said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your sweet baby boy!! If I didn't live in NY, I would come over just to give you a hug. Hang in there!

Twice as Nice said...

Our hearts and prayers go out to you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jenna, you don't know me but I found your blog through Kelly. Please know we are sending lots of prayers your way from Maryland. It sounds like your little guy is in great hands.

Mandy Rose said...

I found your blog from Kelly's. I am praying for you and your lil baby boy! I can't imagine what you are feeling right now. Just remember that God is great and prayers are powerful!

Mandy from House of Rose

Rachel said...

I am praying for you and your family!! He is in such good hands in Little Rock, my nephew had some issues when he was born and I cannot tell you how great they were there!! Please know that God is watching over him and will take care of him!!

Momof4 said...

My prayers and thoughts are with you.

Danielle said...

I am lifting sweet Brayden, you, and Chris to the one that gave him to you. May his grace be with you during this difficult valley. I pray for healing. Keep us posted. Thank you for taking the time to update us and give us specifics on what to pray for. God Bless!

Footprints Ministry said...

Hey Jenna! I ran across your blog today and I wanted to tell you that we are praying for precious Brayden. I know having a child in the NICU is so scary, confusing and ovewhelming. We are praying the Lord will give you comfort and peace and we are also praying he will strengthen sweet Brayden. I would love to mail you a Footprints bag. Please email your address to me at

In His Grace,
Kim Wilson
Footprints Ministry, Inc.

Laura Ann said...

Lifting you, Chris and Brayden up in prayer and asking God to heal his sweet little body.

Rebecca said...

Jenna- I found your blog through Kelly's Korner and have been following it during your pregnancy. I am praying for Brayden! Remember that becoming pregnant with Brayden was a miracle from God, He has great plans for your precious baby boy! He is the great physician! Remember to keep yourself healthy and well rested. I know it is hard to think of yourself, but remember Brayden needs a strong and healthy Mommy.

Sasha said...

Lifting up prayers for your family.

The Lee's said...

I am keeping your family in our hearts and prayers. I know exactly what you are going through. I was in the same boat 2 1/2 years ago.

Anonymous said...

Prayers from Grand Rapids, Michigan. God is with you right now, stay strong and know that you have so many people praying for Brayden.

Anonymous said...

Praying in CA for your sweet little boy!


Lilly, Reid, Matt, and Sara said...

Ok so I don't know you, but I saw Kelly's blog from Brody's blog and saw that she was requesting prayers for you. My family and I are praying for Brayden and you and your husband non-stop!!

Anonymous said...

We are praying for your precious baby and for you all too!
From Kentucky

Kari Wright said...

Jenna, I saw a post about you and your family on Kelly's blog. Just wanted you to know that you and your family are in my prayers. ACH is an awesome hospital and have one of the best pediatric units around!

Ashley said...

Im praying for you guys!! Fight Brayden!!

jablott said...

praying for you and your little one....

Anonymous said...

I came across your blog from Kellys. I am praying for Brayden!

-Becky (GA)

Sarah said...

Prayers being said for your sweet Brayden and your family!!!!!!!

Newlywed Next Door said...

Found you through Kelly. Sending lots of prayers your way.

michelle said...

I found your blog from Kellys and you and your family are in my prayers. I pray the Lord will comfort you and put His healing hands on sweet little Brayden. The Lord can work miracles!

Anonymous said...

I don't know if you remember me from HP, but I found your blog a few months ago and was so happy to see that you were pregnant. I've been following your pg journey off and on the last few months. I just saw the news of your precious Brayden. You, Chris & Brayden are in my thoughts and prayers in these difficult days!!

Annette said...

Oh Jennah, I will be praying right along with you and everyone else for you and your sweet Brayden.


Whitney said...


Mike, Kacy & Wells said...

Still keeping little Brayden in our prayers.

Shannon said...

We are praying for you right now.

Anonymous said...

Praying for you and your precious baby in Arlington, VA.


Anonymous said...

Found you via Kelly's blog, and just wanted to let you know I'm praying for you and your sweet little Brayden! May you feel the Lord carrying you moment by moment!

In His Love,
Sarah Kate in WA state

Anonymous said...

You all are in my prayers!

Anonymous said...

God is a god of miracles and I am praying that he will work on on your sweet baby boy.

Anonymous said...

My prayers are with you and your little boy!!! God is great!!!
The Silva's

Anonymous said...

My heart is just aching for you! I am praying for all three of you!

Anonymous said...

Saying prayers with tears in my eyes.

Kelly said...

Our prayers are with you. Hang in there. He really will be home with you before you know it. I can only imagine how you must be feeling, but have faith in the Lord. He WILL be okay.

Lynn and Matt said...

Sending my prayers to Brayden and family.
From your friends in blog-world.

Maridith said...

I will be praying for your little boy Brayden in NC!!

Niki said...

Adding my prayers for your little guy, and your mommy heart!

Anonymous said...

My son was in Children's in 2006. I know how difficult it can be. I am praying for Brayden and your entire family.


Julee said...

Thinking and praying for you tonight! I can't imagine what you are going through. Hurting physically and emotionally. Just know that there are tons of prayers going out for Brayden!!

Hopechest Bride said...

I will be praying for all of you. Keep the faith.

Brandi said...

I found your blog through Kelly's Korner and wanted to let you know I will be praying for you and your family and baby Brayden. I have a really good friend that works at ACH and believe me, he couldn't be in a better place!!

The Coach's Wife said...

Many prayers are with you and your family!

Lisa said...

Praying for Brayden and for you and your hubby. Sending up lots of prayers for your sweet boy!!

Anonymous said...

In our thoughts and prayers...

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