Monday, January 19, 2009


(I updated on Brayden's condition last night around 11, so if you missed it, it is the post below this one).

Yesterday we had several visitors drive down to see us. One of them is a good family friend and she kept saying she was pulling for "team Brayden" which led us to think about t-shirts. We're having a bunch of Team Brayden tee's made with Phil 4:13 on them ("I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.") and they say "TEAM BRAYDEN Prayer Warriors" on the back.
Once we get them in I will be sure to post a picture.

I wish I had the time to make some sort of blog button for here that says the same thing because all of you are prayer warriors for Brayden and I want you to share in that. The NICU waiting room doesn't have internet access so I can't take the laptop and work on it but I wish I could!

We decided to try and get some good rest last night and we are just getting ready to go to the hospital. We didn't realize how tired we were until we started getting these good reports and relaxing a little. He is not anywhere close to being out of the woods yet but at least we had a full day of good news. Many of you have said how ACH is an amazing place, and you are so right. I was terrified of coming here and seeing the children and the families, but my whole perception has really changed. There is a lot of hope here.

Yesterday Chris' family went home so it is just my parents and Chris and I now. Chris just called the hospital and Brayden had a good night - they decided to hold off on adjusting anything last night because of all the changes he went through yesterday. It seems to have been a good decision because his blood gasses increased from the 120's to the 180's. He is still very critical but is stable. At the time we called the doctors hadn't rounded over to him yet so we aren't sure of their exact plan for today (he gets a new doctor today). The doctor he had yesterday planned on starting to wean him off his oxygen and possibly his nitrous today so I am hoping for that.

So many of you have offered to come by ACH and I just want to thank you! I know you all have busy lives and it really means so much to me that you would offer! We had a surprise visitor the other day - and Angel One Pilot stopped by whose wife reads my blog just to let us know that they are praying for us. I really lost it when he left - it was so kind and I appreciated it so much.

I'll update when I get back to the hotel tonight. Thank you for praying! GO TEAM BRAYDEN!

Please feel free to add the Team Brayden button that Lianna so kindly made to your blog! THANK YOU Lianna!


Lianna Knight said...

This is SO wonderful!! I am going to work on a button for you RIGHT now! I just learned how to do them so consider it DONE! I'll email you when I have it ready!! YOu are so special and so is your sweet Brayden!

Anonymous said...

I am glad to hear he is doing better. I started reading your blog just a few days ago. I will pray for your family all the way from Surprise, AZ. I hope he does good when you start weaning him off.

Anonymous said...

Way to go, Brayden! You know, when my daughter was in the NICU, I remember one day sitting in front of her incubator in tears telling the nurse how badly I just wanted to hold her. I think she was nearly 2 weeks old before I got to hold her for the first time. The nurse said "Honey, there will be times it seems like you will never get out of here and that the progress is sooooo slow, but when you look back on this years from now, it will barely be a blip on the radar as far as time goes." I so didn't believe her, and you know what? Our wonderful blessing is 4 yrs old and today she is trampling on my last nerve arguing with her older brother and that nurse was right. The progress Brayden is making is huge and we will keep praying.

Barb said...

Good news, I am still praying for you and your little man.I feel God has his hands on him and is taking care of him.If you need anything please let me know I am in the Little Rock area and can be there to do anything you need....Barb

Al's World said...

That is one of the best hospitals in the nation...I am praying for you all!

Tulsa, OK

by: Allison said...

The Kenty's are praying for "TEAM BRAYDEN" Hang in there, god is in control and will take care of Brayden.
Allison -Atlanta

Betsy McK said...

I just happened by you blog. from McKmamas blog and there was a button to pray for your friends baby Harper.(I would offer to make a button for you, except I don't know how to do those things) Anyway I have been praying for Brayden and Harper, and through God all things are possible. I have a son named Brayden and if your little guy is anything like my Brayden with a strong personality, he will continue to fight strong and win this battle. It won't be long until you will have your sweet son in your arms and on your way home. Just know that many prayers are coming your way from Peoria, Arizona! Go Brayden Go!!!

Newlywed Next Door said...

I've been following your story for the past few days. I'm so happy to hear that Brayden is better! I'm still praying for him. I LOVE that Phillipians quote. Great choice.

Amber Benge said...

We are praying for Brayden!! I had a NICU baby on the vent. I know how terrifying it is. I pray that God will heal your baby fully and bring him home soon.

Jill said...

found your blog just recently and want you to know i am praying for your sweet family. brayden is precious and i can't wait to see more pictures of him.
praying here in san antonio, texas

Rachel said...

So glad you got some rest and he is getting a little better!! We are proud to be part of Team Brayden!!!!!

Unknown said...

You do not know me but I found your blog through another blog that had asked for your little Brayden to be lifted up in prayer. I just want you to know that God listens to prayers and that prayer is exactly what so many people around the world are doing for your little one right now. Through God all things are possible and we give him all the glory for that. I pray that Brayden will continue to improve and that the doctors and nurses are guided with God's wisdom and strength to decide what is best for him in his treatment. I do not know what it is like to have a child in the NICU but I can say that as a mother my heart goes out to your family. Keep the faith and know that God never punishes us but wants us to learn from what is happening and grow in our love and need for Him. My prayers are with you all and I have faith that Brayden will continue down his path to recovery.

God bless,
Amber Hoberg
San Antonio, Texas

Alicia said...

That's wonderful news about Brayden. You and your family will continue to be in my prayers.

Amy said...

Team Brayden, all the way!

Still praying! :)

Lianna Knight said...

Jenna...I just sent you an email with a button! Let me know if you like it...I have it up on my sidebar.

Kendra said...

TEAM BRAYDEN!!!!!!!!!! I love it!! Jenna if I knew how to make you a button I would do it right now, but I don't have a clue how to even begin...
Thank God for the good reports, we will remain vigilant in prayer UNTIL HE IS HOME WITH YOU AND CHRIS!!!!!!!!!!

dani said...

I was just checking on sweet little Kayleigh Freeman and their blog had a link to your blog. I will be praying for all of you! Praise the Lord that Brayden is stable....we will continue to pray that we'd see HIS mighty hand on your little guy :)

Ande Malinowski said...

PRAYIN! I love that Bible verse, it means a lot to me. It's my Angel Natalie's Favorite verse. Sending prayers your way and 2 angels to watch over sweet Brayden, and to keep him safe! Angel Gracie and Angel Natalie

Anonymous said...

I am praying for baby Brayden and for your family!

Carrie said...

We are praying for Brayden in Alabama. So glad to hear the good reports from Sunday. Even though you can't hold him right now, I know that he feels your love. We are praying for continued good progress today.

Kristen said...

So glad to hear your news and that he is doing well - we are continuing to pray for Team Brayden and his improvement! (that is one of my most favorite scripture by the way!)

Ashley said...

Yay Brayden!! We are still praying for that sweetheart!!

Stephanie @ Ralphcrew said...

Oh, so happy to hear some positive news! Weaning the nitric will be quite slow, so be patient. Sounds like he is doing great. I pray that Brayden does well weaning off the oxygen. He's a beauty! A real keeper!!

Heather said...

Wonderful news, Jenna! You and your sweet Brayden will continue to be in my prayers.

Melissa said...

I found your blog through Kelly's. I just wanted to let you know that I'm praying for you and your family!

Jennisa said...

Hi! I designed Harper's new button, and I have one for you! I will try to find an email address for you...

McCray's said...

I just can't imagine the feeling of staring at your little guy wanting to hold and take him home so bad...just know that you are covered in prayer. And remember that God sees each tear that falls down your cheeks. He's got all the details worked out! Just keep believing!

The t-shirts are a great idea. When my young daughter was diagnosed with a brain tumor several years ago, some of our friends ordered hundreds of bracelets for everyone (like the yellow Lance Armstrong ones..but they were green and personlized with our saying). I still wear it today...and so do many others. I'm not sure where they got them, but you could also do something like that...we'd love one!

Renee said...

Jenna, I found your blog through Kelly's. Brayden and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. I am glad to hear he has shown some improvement and pray it continues.

sherry said...

I am so glad to hear Brayden is doing so well. We've been praying ever since his birth! May God continue to heal him and surround you with His peace, love and joy.

Amanda Ledford said...

I just added the button! I am praying so hard for you and Brayden. You've been such an encouragement to me. Thank you for all the updates! I hope the weaning goes well, but just to let you know, sometimes it can take a long time, so don't get discouraged. I am here for you if you need anything. I just hate I am so far away!

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy about all of the good news you received! I've been praying like crazy for little Brayden and I'm not going to stop. The button is going on my page right now. Keep getting as much rest as you can. TEAM BRAYDEN!!!!

Emily said...

Jenna... sending prayers to you, brayden and chris. I have been keeping you guys in my prayers and letting all my blog friends know that you guys are in need of some major prayers right now. If you need anything from us out in blog land --- dont hestiate to let us know... I know God is taking good care of lil brayden right now.

Mandy said...

I am so glad to hear that little Brayden is doing better!! I hope that today is another great day! I won't stop praying until he is completely out of the woods!!

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let you know that I am continuing to lift your beautiful son up in prayer as the Lord brings him to my mind.
I'm in central PA, so I can't come visit and bring you anything, but if there is anything that I can do, please don't hesitate to ask! Maybe you could post about any needs that the body of Christ could meet for your family??

Anonymous said...

I've been checking reports on your precious baby boy. I found your blog on Kelly's blog several months ago. I just wanted you to know that we are lifting Little Brayden up in prayer and your family. Kym (MS.)

Anonymous said...

I must say that he is just the cutest little pumpkin! I have been praying for your sweet little one along with Little Miss Harper. Boy what a couple these two miracles wuld be...imagine that. The stories they could tell,hehe. Just know that Im praying for yall and that we keep hearing all of the great reports. Small good steps are wonderful. Just hang in there!

Melissa said...

What wonderful Idea.... you should sell t-shirts to raise money for his cause!! I wish I had thought of that... Kayelyn's medical bills would have been a snap :) I am so happy he is doing better.....

Anonymous said...

I know you don't know me, but I found your blog awhile back and have followed your story ever since. I have prayed for little Brayden & your family since before he was born & am continuing to do so! I am so happy to hear that his condition is improving! GO TEAM BRAYDEN!

Pam said...

Jenna, So glad Brayden is making progress. Children's is a wonderful place. We are still praying for more progress today and everyday.
Pam in FS.

Anonymous said...

With each new report of progress, prayers are slowly being answered. Will continue to pray that you'll soon be taking your son home to cherish him and watch him grow, surrounded by love and gratitude. Team Brayden is supported by heartfelt prayers in Lake Saint Louis, MO!

Anonymous said...

I can't even remember how I ended up on your blog, but I want to add my voice to the chorus of others praying for you. I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes, but also with absolute peace that this baby boy has much to do in life and it won't be long before you're asking him to just slow down a minute. I am proud to step over here with all these fine people on Team Brayden. God bless you. Your boy is going to be quite a force one day. Sometimes you can just tell.

Creekmore's said...

I began following both your's and Kelly's blogs this weekend. I pray that God will bless you through this difficult time and give the babies stregth as well as your families. I saw that you were wanting a button and I knew this was at least a little something I could do for you. Someone else might have already done one for you, but I have posted one on my blog. If you like it, grab it and use it. If not, I am just happy to say prayers for you. Our Small Group class is also praying for Brayden. My nephews name is also Brayden and he is one of the most entergetic, full of life kids I know, so I hope all the same for your Brayden.
Love from Jonesboro

Kendra said...

Got the button!! Great job Lianna!!!!

Amanda said...

Team Brayden- I like that!

I am SO glad you were able to get some sleep. It's very very hard to get any rest when your precious baby fights for their life. I was so tired of people telling me I needed to sleep. I was too wound up to calm down enough to sleep. Even Ambian couldn't get mre more than 4 hours of sleep. But when the peace and comfort came, sleep felt so good.

Is there a Ronald McDonald Family Room in the hosptial? There was when my daughter was born. They had internet access and always great meals and snacks. It was a lifesaver to go just sit on a couch and have a snack in a quiet place when I needed a break.

Isn't it weird how marvelous a NCIU is? I blogged about that too once. It's amazingly scary and a whole new world and overwhelming when you realize how sick some of the babies are. But it is filled with people who truly care about these babies and just bursting with hope and miracles!

Looking forward to hearing more updates of Brayden's progress. Weaning him off the O2 would be a huge step!

Still praying!

Pam said...

I am so glad to hear that Brayden is doing better. I am still praying and believing God is taking care of him. Go Brayden!

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the update. Sign me up for Team Brayden! I would like a Large t-shirt if you have any extra. Just let me know where to send a check when they are ready!


Shannon said...

Jenna, I'm so glad you are getting good reports and being encouraged! Our prayers are working! Praise the Lord! I wish I could come visit or send my mom (who lives in LR) but they are out of town. I'm still praying!

Melody said...

Go Team Brayden! Well there's no way our team can lose, when God is our coach! ;)

So glad to hear you got some sleep, and praying for many many great Brayden days to follow!!

God bless you!

Rachel Dominguez said...

I just found your blog thru a friend of mine's blog and I wanted to let you know that you can add me to the list of prayer warriors that is praying so hard for your beautiful little guy.

Rachel (Lee's Summit, MO)

Anonymous said...

I'm praying for you, Little Brayden! I know I have never met you or your family, but I want you to know that you are wrapped with love and prayer right now. You are a very brave little boy!

Jenna Foster
Edmond, OK

Cathy said...

Thank God for the good reports...keep up the good work, Brayden...we're still praying for you!

Emily said...

I hope today goes well! I'll definetly be praying for the nurses/doctors/RT's and thier wisdom as they try to ween your precious Brayden.

Praying from Dallas-

ilovepink said...

We are still praying for you here in SC. I just know you'll be holding your baby boy soon!

Heather said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with you and Team Brayden. Hope he is able to come home soon.

Katie Kate's Blog..... said...
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Katie Kate's Blog..... said...
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mrsrubly said...

i have come to your site from Kayleigh's blog. your son is adorable. you have a prayer warrior with me too!

Katie Kate's Blog..... said...

I'm so glad to see that he is doing better. I work with Amanda Moore and she told me about you and Kelly's babies. I'm so sorry and me and my family will be praying for you each day!!

God Bless,
Katie Rusin

Anonymous said...

I'm soooo glad Brayden's doing a little better!!! : ) I'm praying for you all!!!

Giving Love Encounters said...

We are praying for your precious son.

We know God's heart is for him to walk in complete health and so we claim this for him in Jesus' name.

We look forward to his amazing testimony!

Kristen & family

Crim said...

I do not know your family but my cousin told me about your situation. I wanted to encourage you that I have a daughter who had to be airflighted and was only given a 50/50 chance of surival due to pnemonia in her lungs. She was born premature and today is a healthy, very active 10 month old. The Lord answers prayers and he will heal your baby. I am praying for you.

Magen Crim

Andrea @ Mommy said...

I am praying for your precious babe! And, for you to manage through the stress of this time :-) {hugs}

Amie said...

I have been praying for all of you for several days after finding your blog through another blog. My youngest spent 29 very long days in NICU after arriving prematurely so I know just how long those days can be. We will continue to lift Brayden (& the rest of you) up in prayer. God Bless!

Jennifer said...

Jenna, We are still praying! I'm so encouraged to hear that he is making improvements!! I added his button to my blog, so I hope more people will hear about y'alls story and pray for Brayden!

The Clark Clan! said...

Your button is on my blog! More prayers for Baby Brayden!

Kristin said...

I came across yours and Kelly's blogs through a Facebook friend and I'm praying for both Brayden and Harper.

How awesome to have a blog through something like this, to have so many people praying for your babies. Truly amazing!

I had a baby in the NICU 4 years ago, we weren't sure he'd make it...but here he is. Doing great! God is good!!!

I wish I'd had a blog at the time my own son was in the NICU, both to look back on now and what he pulled through and also to recruit prayer warriors like you've been able to do. Thanks for updating us on your little guy. I will continue to keep him and you in my prayers.

Denver, CO

Laura Marchant said...

So glad to hear he is doing better. Still praying :-)

Brycen said...

I found your blog through a friend. We will be praying for your baby. Our baby was born in May and they found a heart condition. We went to ACH and it is an amazing place. God answers prayers and you and your baby will be home soon. We will be thinking of you.
Christy, Brad, and Brycen

Anonymous said...

Continuing to pray for your sweet baby boy, as well as the rest of your family!

Stacie in Los Angeles

Robin Lynn said...

Jenna, count me in for Team Brayden!! Praying for Brayden every day.
Love, Robin

adoptingmama said...

Praying for you in Hawaii ~Aloha
And you are right God can do anything!! keep it up sweet baby!

Kristi O said...

We are praying that God would complete this good word. Father for your glory heal this little one, let him tell of goodness and grace all the coming days. In Jesus name amen!

Momma Bird said...

So glad your little fighter is doing better. Continued prayers for strength for you all. I am adding your button to my blog so readers of my blog all the way up here in Maine can pray for you too!

Mike, Kacy & Wells said...

Yeah, Brayden!! Still praying.

Fabiola said...

I just came across your blog and I am all full of tears. My heart goes out to you, you husband and especially this little prince.
I am sending my prayers from Brazil.


São Paulo - Brazil

Beth Roberts said...

Praying for you Jenna...can't imagine recovering from a c-section AND immediately traveling to Little Rock the day after. Praying for Brayden to continue to get better and amaze his doctors. :)

Chic Runner said...

Just wanted to let you know I'm praying for your family and your situation. I know Brayden will soon be strong and healthy! :)

Jessica said...

We are praying for your sweet baby and I have posted your "Team Brayden" on my blog so that it links to your blog.

Lindsay said...

Just wanted you to know that we are praying for your family and sweet baby Brayden.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad to hear that Brayden is doing better today. I will continue to pray for healing for Brayden and peace for you. May tomorrow bring even better news!

Unknown said...

I found your blog from Kelly's and I don't know either of you, but I will be praying for Brayden. I have a 16 month old who was born at 32 weeks and stayed in the NICU for almost three weeks, so I know how hard it is to see other mom's holding their newborns when you can't and feeling so overwhelmed and helpless. It seems like he is making good progress. I remember with Andrew we were trying to teach him to suck so that he could eat, because he was being fed through a tube and I never thought that he would get it and then one day he did. It was so amazing! Andrew and I will say a prayer for Brayden and Harper tonight that God will take care of them like he did Andrew.
Rogers, AR

Christy said...

So glad to hear the good news! Keep trying your best to take good care of yourself so you can take care of that sweet baby! We will continue to pray.
Blessings from TX,

creative gal said...

Just came across your blog!! Will be praying and adding your button soon!!

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