Today started very rough. I signed documents to allow ACH to perform the ECMO treatment on Brayden. His numbers were dropping and he was having a hard time. The test after I signed the documents showed that his numbers went up so the doctors decided to wait another hour and test again. Again, his numbers went up. (His numbers = gasses found in his blood - his lowest number was 80). We just got to the hotel and called again to find that his number are still rising (he's at 162) and they are thinking about weaning him off of his blood pressure meds.
We need to get his number to be at 200 or above and to stay there for a period of at least four hours (I think - I am so tired right now but I am pretty sure that is correct). If he can do that it will show the doctors that he is transitioning - aka realizing that he is not a fetus and he is not inside of me anymore.
As of now we still aren't supposed to talk to him or touch him much. He hears our voices and knows who we are and he tries to wake up from the morphine which only hurts his progress. It's very, very hard to not talk to him or touch his sweet face. I still haven't held him and it may be several weeks before I can but as long as he is getting better that is all I care about. It breaks my heart to know that he knows my voice and just wants to see me but I have to do what is best for him.
Again, thank you so very much. We are so thankful for the support and prayers. ACH has been a wonderful experience for us. I hate that we have to be here but everyone we encounter is so kind and genuinely want to help.
Edited to Add: Please lift up Kelly and Harper in your prayers. I don't know the details as of yet, but Harper is being flown down here to Little Rock for treatment in the NICU. I feel so much for Kelly and Scott since Chris and I are in the same situation. Please lift them up in prayer as well.
We have been and will continue to pray for your sweet boy and for you all too.
My heart goes out to you Jenna. I am praying for your sweet boy.
Well I am glad to hear that it sounds like he is improving! I know it must be so hard to not be able to touch him or talk to him. But, you our a wonderful mother and just putting your childs needs first!! My thoughts and prayers are with you all!!!
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord! I will continue to bring your preciouse son in prayer before our mighty God, our loving heavenly father and our great physician. What a mighty God we serve!
Praying also for strenghth and rest for you as you continue to recover. I have had 4 c-sections and understand how that feels. Praying you recover wonderfully and gain good strength and quick healing there.
May God Bless and keep you all in His loving care!
Thinking of you & praying here in Australia....I keep checking for new updates & better news each time :)
I am so glad he is showing improvement. I will continue to keep you and him in our prayers. May God give you strength in these times, and may he strengthen your lovely baby boy.
Well bless yall heart! I will be praying for all of you. I know it is hard. After the birth of my daughter they took her to nicu. Its tough and they are so tiny. But Little Brayden sounds like a tough little guy! Get some rest~
May God Bless your precious Brayden and your family. Praying from Tennessee.
I am so sorry you have to go through this, but please know you and your beautiful family are in my thoughts and prayers.
With love,
Amy in Virginia
I am so glad to hear that little Brayden is improving every moment ;)! We will continue to pray that you get to hold him soon!!!
god bless you and that beautiful baby..try and rest much as you can...
Hi! I found your blog from Kelly Stamps blog. I started reading it a few weeks ago. I just wanted you to know that I am praying for you, your husband, Brayden and the rest of your family.
Ashleigh (MS)
Thanks for the update, we are still praying...I am crying tonight in prayer for both Brayden and Harper, He will take care of these sweet babies!
Thinking of you and your family! God is in control!
I am praying for all of you! Stay strong and try to take care of yourself.
Thanks for the updates, I have been praying all day and told everyone I know to please pray for Brayden. It sounds like he is getting better!! Praise GOD!! We will keep praying.
Have you checked in on Kelly? Harper needs prayer too...
Just wanted to let you know that was me that deleted the blog entry. I had a typo and didn't realize it would actually say that the comment was deleted. Still praying for your sweet baby Brayden and his loving family.
God is cradling your sweet baby for you now since you can't. I will pray for Brayden to continue to improve. Praise the Lord for every step in a better direction!
You and your sweet baby boy are in my prayers.....Barb
Glad there is improvement. Will be praying for Brayden and your family.
Oh dear one, I know what a scary time this is right now. My grandson was born 5 weeks too early last August; he, too, had PPHN. Matt Redmon's song "You Never Let Go" was getting regular time on the radio during those five weeks at the NICU; if I can encourage you in any way, it would be to remind you that He's not letting go of Brayden nor you or Chris.
I am praying for you and your little man. You don't know me, but I've been reading your blog for a while and I'm so sorry you're going through this. Just remember that the Lord is sovereign in everything He does and he has a plan for Brayden...even though we don't know what it is yet. Praise the Lord for His Mercy!!
Twin and I are praying for your sweet baby boy for a full and quick recovery.
Jenna I am praying for you and little Brayden
I am praying, praying, praying for your sweet baby ( and Kellys little Harper). I want you to know that I cannot stop thinking about you and Brayden, my heart goes out to you!
I will pray all night....
Jenna, you and your family are in my prayers. God Bless you~
Praying for sweet Brayden. He seems like a trouper!
Jenna - I have asked my blog readers to pray for you and your family! Please know that I am praying and many others! God Bless you! Love in Christ - Brittney
Dear Jenna,
I found your blog through Kelly's, and wanted to let you know I am praying for your dear sweet boy and your family, and the Lord to give you strength.
Blessings - praying for a miracle!
{{{hugs}}}and prayers from Pittsburgh
Prayers for you for a speedy recovery, your family, and your sweet baby, Brayden! Also, praying for Kelly & Harper!!!
Just found your blog. Praying for Brayden.
Congratulations on the birth of your precious son! I am new to your site (came from Bring the Rain to Kelly's Korner to you). I have lifted your family up in prayer. I pray that the Great Healer will place his hands on your son and heal his tiny little body.
God Bless you all,
Pearland, Texas
Keeping you and Brayden in my thoughts. Finding you from Kelly's site.
Praying for all the little babies tonight.
Hang in there mommy!
We're continuing to pray for Brayden and for Harper!
Hi there, I just wanted to let you know that we are praying for you. I can't remember how I found your blog, but I have a little guy who is three now, and he was born with pulmonary hypertension. He still struggles with it, but he is finally off of O2 during the day and just uses it at night.
He is also on some meds to help control it. I thought it might help you to know someone who has been through what you have and know that he is doing well.
We spent a month in the NICU, and he's had countless hospital stays to get to where we are now, but it's been worth it.
Sending lots of prayers your way.
Pam and Rhett
Jenna, I am so glad to hear that Brayden had a better day! We are still praying and will continue to pray until you bring him home!
I am praying for your precious baby.
Praying for yall and that precious little boy. Posted a prayer request on my blog also.
Praying for you!
I will continue to pray for your sweet family in Arlington, VA.
I don't know you, but I ended up on little Miss Harper's blog page via a friend and then ended up on your page. We have similar situations. My son was born in 2006 and I remember it like it was yesterday. I just wanted that blissful moment where I held him and he was on the machines instead. He was transported to the NICU in OKC and stayed for 3 weeks. Blake is a healthy 2 year old boy now and full of energy. I pray that Brayden will get better soon. I know so well how hard it is to sit in the NICU and watch him without touching him. They say that it is not good for him to use his energy. I brought books up there with me. I read, "Guess Who Loves You?" and "I Love You Stinkyface", as well as "Goodnight Moon". I really, really think he knew what I was doing and responded to my voice. Once he got home, it was so neat how Goodnight Moon became his favorite book. I want to tell you that everything will be okay even though I don't know you. It is in God's hands and remember that he is taking care of him. I am praying for you and will continue to read your blog. Please know that people are praying for you and sweet Brayden and that he is being wrapped in so much love right now. Have a wonderful night! P.S. My name is Jenna too!
- Jenna Hedrick Foster
Jenna, sending prayers for you and Brayden. Your faith in your son is the most precious gift you can give him right now. Don't give that up! He is strong, just like you know he is. And he is loved and lifted up in prayer. Take care of yourself as well. Recovering from a c-section and taking care of a baby in the NICU is tough stuff.
I'm praying too up here in Canada.
Praying for you and Brayden. Carmen from Fresno, CA
Still praying for Brayden!! Also praying you and Chris are able to get some much needed rest!!
Prayers for you from the Pacific Northwest!
I'm here from Kelly's blog. Please know I prayed for you last night and will continue to pray for you. My heart hurts for the struggle you and your husband are enduring. I've woke up several times throughout the night with you and Kelly on my mind.
Praise God for the increase in Brayden's numbers. Praise Him! This shows the power of God!
Psalm 94:19 When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my soul.
Continuing to pray you and for Kelly.
I am praying for you guys....ACH is such a wonderful hospital and Brayden cant be in better hands.
I am praying for you and Brayden. You mentioned that you were staying at a hotel, have you looked into the Ronald Mcdonald House?
I found your blog through Renee at Life with My Special K's. We are holding Brayden and your family in prayer.
Found you from Kelly's site. I had a hard time sleeping last night. Kept thinking about little Brayden and little Harper. They are so blessed to both have parents who love and serve our awesome God. What amazing testimonies your families will have of His healing power and faithfulness! Much love and prayers from Pittsburgh.
I am so sorry that you and your family are goinf through this and I pray that Jesus will show Himself strong and mighty in your lives. Brayden is precious and I pray for a quick recovery for both Brayden and you from your c-section!
I am so so glad that things are improving for Brayden. WE are aLL praying so much for you and for Brayden. I know how badly you want to hold him and love on him after waiting for him to be here for so long. Keep praying...the Lord is God.
We are also praying for Harper and Kelly....He will heal both of your babies...I just know it.
I'm praying for your sweet baby Brayden to take that turn towards complete recovery. Praying for his parents and grandparents too! Also praying for wisdom for all who are taking care of him there at the hospital.
Praying for Brayden this morning. Praying that you will have peace and a sense of refreshing today.
I am a big fan of Kelly's blog! You are in my prayers as well! Praying for your sweet baby boy!
found your blog through a friend of a friend of a friend. praying for you, your family, and your little one this morning.
p.s. i put up a prayer request for you on my blog and linked to yours so all the prayer warriors can find your story.
Jenna, I am continuing to pray so hard for both of these babies. I know what little miracles they already are and I know they are both going to pull out another miracle soon! They are already such fighters!
I am new to your blog after following the blog "When Hello Means Goodbye." I just wanted to let you know you and your family are in my prayers. I had a few scares during my recent pregnancy and delivery, and I know how scary this can be.
praying in texas
Jenna, I found you thru Kelly's blog (which I found last night, because of a prayer request).
I just want you to know that my husband and I are praying for your precious little Brayden.
I just believe that God is going to bring both of these sweet babies thru this. There are SO many people praying...
Hang in there, dear.
Praying for you--had a similar experience with my own daughter (who is now 10). Those days were filled with tears and prayers and anxiety. God granted us all we asked of him, and our smart, beautiful daughter is a joy.
I was so worried about not being with her, but a nurse told me, "You will never forget it, but she will never remember it." And that's true. She only knows what we've told her of those harrowing first days. She only remembers all of the love. Prayers for your precious boy and you.
Praying for you all right this minute! My niece was born under very similar circumstances, and ECHMO was an option, but they ended up not needing it. It was a long, hard road, but she is now 8 and full of life and energy. I pray that gives you some hope. Know that you all are being covered in prayer!
I am praying for both you and Kelly and your gorgeous babies xoxoxo
praying for you in NW Oklahoma!
A friend linked to your blog, and I just wanted to tell you I am praying for you, and your sweet boy. God hears every prayer. I pray that you have peace, that your baby is healed, and that he grows into a strong beautiful man.
Hi Jenna,
Visiting (not for the first time!) through Amanda's...wanted to let you know what we have been and will be praying for your family. Many thoughts from Dallas-
My heart aches for you. My daughter was born with fluid on her lungs and we couldn't talk or hold her either. Her heartrate would go very high if she heard our voices in the nursery. It is amazing how God allows a baby to recognize his/her parents so quickly. I am praying for Brayden and for you and your husband. God is faithful.
PS-My daughter will be 12 next month.
I am a mother of a child with Pulmonary Hypertension. It has since resolved (Praise the Lord!) I found your blog through a friend. I will pray for your little one. Please stay strong and look to God for your strength.
Natalie McAmis
Maryville, TN
Arkansan here....with two former preemies. We are all too familiar with ACH! Lots of prayers coming your way from Southeast Arkansas!!!
Still praying hard for sweet little Brayden...
Having had 4 c-sections, I am also praying lots for you. How are YOU doing?
Praying for Brayden, you, and the medical staff. (I got here from Kelly's blog and got there from Angie Smith's blog - whew!)
I found your site through my daughter-in-law, Mary Avery's site. We are praying for Brayden's continuing improvement and for God to surround you and your family with His comfort during this time. Brayden is so cute and I know that God will continue to give him the strength he needs to get well and be in your arms soon. Praying for you from Alabama.
Jane Cosby
Praying that Brayden has a wonderful day and gets even better. Praying for strength and energy for you and your husband.
I am praying for your sweet baby Brayden and your family. May you have a quick and perfect recovery from your c-section and your baby Brayden a full recovery. God bess.
Lindsey in Alabama
Just found ur blog when 2 bloggers I frequent asked for prayer requests... We are praying for your family and Brayden especially!
I was sent to your blog by Renee(Special K's Mommy) & will be praying for Brayden. He's beautiful! I've been in a similar situation with my preemie & was unable to hold or touch her for a period of time. I have faith that he will be in your arms soon, and the wait will have been more than worth it.
With love & continuing prayers,
Jacque Brown & family
I have been praying for Brayden and Harper all night.
Still praying Jenna!
I was sent over from Kelly's blog. I just wanted to say that. I am praying for your little Brayden
Praying for Brayden today!!! Praying God continues to heal his body, and praying for peace and rest for you and Chris...
what the enemy means for evil, God means for good. HE knew that Brayden would need prayer his first days, and He has provided many to pray for your family!!!!!!!
Hope things are still going well...I will not stop praying!!
I hopped over here from My Special K's and wanted to let you know I'm praying for Brayden. Your little man was born on the same day as my oldest son. We also had fertility problems and ultimately got pregnant via IVF. Fast forward two years and another round of IVF, my daughter was born with Down syndrome. She spent 7 days in the NICU, so I totally understand your pain in not having your baby right by your side. I hope his PH gets better and that he continues to improve. Hugs to you...
Just checking in! Know we are still praying for you.
We will be praying for your sweet baby boy and your family.
I know how you feel about not holding your baby. Both of mine were preemies and I was a day before I could hold my son(5 weeks early) and 5 weeks before I could hold my daughter(3 months early)
Please know that God is walking this road with you.
God Bless
I'm praying for Brayden. I am glad that his numbers have come up and will continue to pray for him. God is an awesome God and He is in control. I pray for a miracle for little Brayden.
God bless you.
Hugs, Sharon
Hi Jenna,
I am praying for you and your sweet little boy. It is my hope and prayer that he is getting stronger by the minute. May God surround your family with His love during this time.
From Bucharest, Romania
The Bliznik Family xx
I found you through Kelly. I will be praying for both your Brayden and her Harper. God bless!!
Hi, Jenna, I am praying for your wee Brayden...for God's grace and mercy to abound in this situation. With love in Christ from a Grammie in Vancouver, Canada
My family and I are still praying and are so glad to hear about the progress being made. Sounds like you have a little fighter!!
praying for you in Illinois.
I found your blog through Renee Garcia. I'm praying for you and your little baby boy. My son was flown to Kansas City for ECMO. He ended up not needing it! I pray that your baby continues to improve and that you can bring him home soon.
We are praying for you and your family. I found you blog through Kelly and Harper. Strange how these things happen. My daughter Kayelyn was born sick like you and Kelly's Babies and went through the same thing 6 months ago.... I know how you feel and how rough this is for you. I have been there. Please check out my blog or contact me if you would like. For me it helped talking to people that have been there....
The nurses and doctors at ACH are incredible people that really care for the babies they take care of.
Praying for Bryden and you also. Also praying for Kelly and Harper. I found your blog from Kellys and am amazed at your courage and faith.
Praise the Lord Jenna,
I have been praying for Brayden and Harper. I continue to pray and keep you and your husband in my prayers also.
Saturday afternoon -
I am still praying for Brayden!
Prayers to Brayden from South Carolina!
I can't imagine how hard it must be not to be able to touch or talk to your little one! But I KNOW that he is being cuddled and comforted by Jesus and the angels each and every second! You, Chris and Brayden are in my prayers!
I am a friend of Kelly's and I am praying for them and for you guys.
You see everything. And You know so much more then we will every know. Lord please while Brayden cannot be in the arms of his mommy or hear her loving voice, Craddle him comfortably in Your arms. Let him hear your heart beat, feel Your kisses on his cheeks, and smell your sweet fragrance. You are capable beyond measure and we praise You! Lord fill the room he is in with Your presence. Have favor on him please. Thank You Lord.
I am hear from Katie's blog (When Hello Means Good-bye)...and just want you to know that we're praying for your sweet Brayden and for all of you. I've been praying for baby Harper all day, as well.
In His Grace,
Kelly Gerken
Found your blog through Kelly's Korner. Praying for your sweet boy!!
I don't know you personally, but I read your blog and will be praying for Brayden, as well as you and your husband. Your faith will pull you through this.
Came in from Kelly's Korner. Praying for your little boy, babies are very strong. Keep yourself well, hydrated and rested.
Will be praying for baby Brayden. They almost put my own son on ECMO in April...he's 10 and had ARDS from aspiration after surgery. It seems the machine itself warded off the need for it because as soon as they talked about it, he turned around! Praying Brayden will too.
I hope everything is going okay for Brayden...I have been GLUED to the laptop all day to hear an update. Still praying for your precious baby boy!
Praying for your little one. Found you through Angie Smith & Kelly's blogs.
Thank you for sharing your story. I'm happy to be joining in the 'cloud of witnesses' who will see your little guy come through all this.
I, like so many others who've found your blog, feel like we have a lot in common. After trying for a child for seven long years, we had a baby who would "likely not survive". After spending eight long weeks in the NICU, he's now a thriving toddler.
Glory be to God.
P.S. We live in AR too, the Conway area, should you need anything down this way, be sure and let me know.
Otherwise, just know your son is in one more family's prayer time tonight. My son even knows his name. :)
Just checking in and praying for your sweet boy!! I have been thinking about him all day!!
I am praying like crazy! He is so cute!
Oh my..I found you through Kelly's blog so now I am praying for you & your baby too.
Found you from Kelly's blog. Praying in Michigan for Brayden and you.
prayers for you and your son. My heart almost broke into a thousand pieces after my son Levi was born and they told me I could not touch him because it caused his resp rate to rise too much. Much strength flowing your way
My prayers are with you and your family!
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