Wednesday, January 14, 2009

My Brady Bear

After 24 hours of labor, 1 round of Cervadil and 3 of Cyotec I still hadn't even dilated to 1cm so we decided to go ahead with the c-section. 20 minutes later they had me ready to go and Brayden was born at 6:10pm. He weighed in at 7lb 1oz and 19" long.

You can see in the pic below that he looks a little blue...he was born with fluid in his lungs. Other than in the pic below I haven't gotten to see him at all. I haven't gotten to hold or touch him at all. He is in the nursery and right now we are waiting on the pedi to come in and tell us what happens next...last night they had him on oxygen and 2 antibiotics.

I haven't slept at all because I was so upset last night. There are two women next to me - one each side who had their babies with them last night and it just made me sad that my little boy is all alone in the nursery. More later.


Kristin said...

Congratulations!! What a preciously, perfect baby!

(I just found out on Kelly's blog that your's is back public again...YEAH!! I have a lot of catching up to do.)

CAMoore said...

JENNA! He is adorable! I am so happy that he is finally here!

I will be praying for that sweet precious cutie pa tootie all day!! And hope that you are feeling better too as the day progresses..

Congrats to you 3!!!!

His Doorkeeper said...

Jenna, Congratulations to you and your husband on a beautiful baby boy! He is just precious and I know he will bring you both much joy!

Hope you are feeling OK! Take care of yourself and don't try to do too much too early!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! So glad to know he made it here safely. Will be praying today for Brayden's lungs to clear and for the doctors to have wisdom in how to treat him. I also pray peace for you and your husband as you wait to hold this precious little one in your arms. Rest up!

Kelly said...

He looks precious!!!
I'm sorry you had such a rough time. You must be worn out. Praying for you and Brayden today.
Your baby is here!!!!

Amy said...

Congratulations! He is gorgeous!

Praying that you are reunited SOON!! :)

Jamie said...


Laurie said...

Congratulations! I will be praying for ya'll!

Ashley said...

I do not know you but found your blog through Kelly's post. I was in your exact position exactly 2 years ago with my daughter. She too had fluid on her lungs and had to stay in the NICU 3 days. I will be praying for you. I know how hard this time is but know you will be holding your sweet baby soon.

Danielle said...

Congratulations on your precious Gift from God. He is perfect. Hopefully REAL soon you will get your hands on him. Get some rest. God bless you both....

Megan L Hutchings said...

He is so beautiful Jenna...just perfect ;)!

I am so sorry you have had a hard time and I will be praying that you get to hold him very soon.


Emily said...

Congrats Jenna!!!! Yeah Bradyen is here!!yeah! Keeping you and him in my prayers... I hope bye now you have gotten to love on him!!! Thinking of you lots!

Immeasurably More Mama said...

Yay...Brayden is here!!! Congratulations, Jenna!
Praying for you and that sweet boy and that you will be able to hold him in your arms soon!

Kim said...

Found your blog through Kelly's - praying for you and Brayden today! Congratulations!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Jenna! Brayden is just adorable! Hoping you will be able to hold him soon!

Stacie in CA

Whitney said...


Jennifer said...

Jenna!! He is precious! I'm so excited for you and Chris! Congratulations! Praying for the three of you!

Nicole said...

I am praying for you. Congrats he is sooo darling. I can't wait to see more pictures!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am so happy your little one is finally here. Sorry the induction didn't go as smoothly as you had hoped. I pray his lungs clear right up and you get your baby right back in your arms where he belongs.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! Praying for all three of you!!

Vonda Axe said...

So glad to hear Brayden is here. He is precious. I pray that Brayden's lungs clear up quickly and you can have him in your arms soon. Happy Birthday Brayden !!!!

Wayman and Jessica Thurman said...

You don't know me but we also go to FBCB. I'm sad to hear that little Brayden is having such a rough time. My little boy Braxton, who is now almost 18 months old, was born a month early and had similar problems. He had pnuemonia and we weren't able to hold him and keep him with us for a while as well. You all are in our prayers.

Anonymous said...

Congrats!! He's beautiful.

JennaDK said...

Jenna! hes so adorable! Congrats and I bet you can't wait to hold him! Enjoy your little Brady Bear!

Kate @ When Hello Means Goodbye said...

he is so handsome, praying you get to hold and love on him SOON!!

Vonda said...

Congratulations! He looks GREAT! Get some rest and know that God has little Brayden in his hands and soon you will too!!!

Praying for your family.


Mandy said...

Congrats!! I am so happy that he is finally hear! I am praying for you guys and hope that you get to hold him very soon!

Mary Kate said...

congrats jenna...he is beautiful! i am sorry you had such a hard time, but it will be all worth it once you get to hold your sweet baby! congrats again!

Anonymous said...

He is a wonderfull little bear. Be happy mommy!
Sara and sons from Italy.

Robin said...

Congratulations, I'm so excited for you! I'll be praying for little Brayden and for you and Chris.

The Allens said...

I am so sorry - you will be with him soon and so many peopple are praying for all of you. Try to get some rest - that will help, too.

Robin Lynn said...

Congratulations Jenna.
Brayden is so very handsome.
I am praying for your family and hoping he is in your arms very soon.

Twice as Nice said...

Congratulations!! We will be praying for your little boy. He is so cute and we can't wait to see more pictures.

Anonymous said...

He's precious! Praying for him and for you!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Jenna! He is so cute! I am praying for him, and that you get to hold him soon!

Pam said...

Congratulations Jenna! He is adorable! Praying for you!

Heather said...

Congrats, Jenna! What a precious little boy! So sorry about all the labor mayhem...but he's here and looks gorgeous! Get some rest and take advantage of him being in the nursery...I know it is hard but you'll be glad you got a little sleep!

Kendra said...

I am so sorry you don't get to spend time with him right now, especially after waiting so long to have him, that would make me sad too...but just remember, soon enough you will have in your arms and then it will be forever =-)
Praying for you!

Rachel said...

Hi Jenna - I found you through Kelly and I just wanted to tell you CONGRATULATIONS!!! He is gorgeous!! I will keep your little family in my prayers...

MMM said...

Congrats on your perfect little boy! Keeping you and Brayden in my prayers today...I know he will be in your arms soon, just where he belongs.

Meredith said...

Jenna, Your sweet baby Brayden is just SO precious! I am very happy for ya'll! Praying also! I know you are definitely ready to hold him more!

mumameee said...

Welcome to the world baby Brayden!! May God bless you always. Hoping Mum & Dad can have lots of cuddles with you soon. X

Rhonda said...

Praying for you and your precious family! Congratulations on this sweet gift and know you are all wrapped in prayers. Soon you will have your hands on this little one!

Shannon said...

Congratulations! I'm so glad that he is here. I'm praying for you and him!

Amanda Ledford said...

Congratulations!!!! He is beautiful!!! I am praying for you both and cannot wait to see more pictures!

Emily said...

Been thinking about you Jenna and hoping you have gotten to spend more time with your brady bear! praying for a speedy recovery for you!

Jenna said...

Oh he is precious! I am sorry you had such a tough day and night! I am praying for you sweet family of THREE!!

Aimee Larsen said...

Honey...I've been in your shoes. God will get you all through this and if you're as blessed as I am, your little Brady will be 6 years old in a blink of an eye and a perfect, healthy little boy. ; ) Keep your chin up!

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