Since pictures can say more than words, I'll start with this...
Here is Daddy with Brayden (one of his eyes is open!):
Our Family:
We are so grateful for all of your prayers. We also thank you for all the prayers you have sent up for all of the other NICU babies and precious Harper. Many of you asked about the baby that was abandoned. From what I have gathered from some of the other NICU parents who've been there much longer than we have, there are several who have been left and protective services have been called. I don't know very many details on them, and I also don't know how accurate the information I've been given is, but I do know those precious little ones need our prayers. If they would let me, I would take every single one of them home. I am so thankful to the nurses who love on those babies and give them so much attention. Thank you so much for praying for the babies and their nurses.
A lot of you have also asked how I'm doing post c-section. I can honestly say I have the world's best husband. Every day he bandages me up very carefully. I'm healing well because of how attentive he has been to me. He doesn't let me get in/out of the car without his help let alone sit down, stand up, pick anything up etc. I've thanked God for him every day, but since going through this, I have a whole new appreciation and love for him. He really is the best.
I can't say it enough...thank you for your prayers. I wish there was a more elaborate way to say it, because it just seems so simple in return for what you have all done for us. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We thank God each night for every single one of you.