As his mom, I knew that he would know exactly what to do and that he was going to surpass her expectations of him...and I was so right! Right before she gave him the bottle she said that he would only have 20 minutes to eat it and if he didn't finish it to not be surprised. Well, I was guessing that he would be like his daddy and have no problem with it, and when he downed it and was fast asleep five minutes later, she was so in shock!
We just found out that they checked his stomach and that he had properly digested everything so they will continue his feedings, but tonight he will be getting food through his tube. We will have to see what tomorrow brings as far as how he will eat.
They wouldn't let me give him the bottle because the nurse was afraid something might go wrong, so here is her feeding him (at this point he had fallen asleep but was still eating):
Yesterday we had the opportunity to go up on the roof of ACH and see the helicopter that brought him to the hospital:
One major thing happened least its major to me. Chris and I were on our way to the coffee bar downstairs while Brayden napped (he fights sleep if we stay there) when my phone rang. It was a 501 area code which let me know that someone from the hospital was calling. I handed the phone to Chris because I was scared something wasn't right and I knew he would handle it better than I would.
Brayden's doctor was calling to let us know that they were sending a helicopter to Willow Creek (where they picked Brayden up at) and wanted to know if we would want him to go with them! They said he has made so much improvement and is no longer critical and they feel that WC could adequately treat him until he is ready to go home.
We only had five minutes to decide because the Angel One needed to leave. We ran into my parents and the four of us discussed it. We decided that it would be in Brayden's best interest to remain here for many reasons...the doctors and nurses know and love him, I worry about him riding in the helicopter, we feel like the ICU here takes more precautions against sickness (any little cold we have can equal RSV for these babies) etc. I also think that he would be released to go home sooner from here than he would from WC because they know that he is improving by leaps and bounds each day and WC would probably want to treat him slower than ACH is treating him - because they just don't know him.
I know this is a long post and I thank you for reading. Thank you for continuing to pray for our baby and all of the other sick little ones here, in Tulsa and everywhere else!
This is GREAT news!!! It's so good to see little Brayden doing so well. Prayers are still going on and will continue to do so until Brayden is home. I pray for you and hubby too.
Yay for good news! You and your precious family have been and will continue to be in my prayers!
Wow. So glad to hear the great news on Brayden! Thank you Jesus!!! Glad to hear you're healing up well and have a wonderful husband to help you!!! Keep up the good work, Brayden!!!
Love that little guy! :) What great news!
More prayers headed your way!
He's doing so well! It's so good to hear. Praying for you all!
So many people have shared your sorrow over the past week & prayed for your precious baby to heal. Thank God for blessing you, your family, friends and "stranger friends" with the joy of watching Brayden's health improve with each new day. I can't wait for you to take your sweet boy home!!!
This is great news! I started following your blog when I saw Kelly's blog. I am so glad to hear that your little man is doing so well. :-) Congratulations on your new addition!!
What wonderful news! I have been following Brayden's progress and I have to tell you I don't know if I have ever believed in the power of prayer as much as I do today. To witness (through a blog) the progress of Brayden and Harper has been truly a miracle. I am so happy for you and will continue to pray! Best wishes!
Wonderful news!! Go Brayden!! I hope you continue to amaze everyone!
Hooray! I'm so glad that Brayden is doing well. We've been praying. The bottle is a huge step. My son spent some time in the NICU and it seemed like once he ate that first bottle, we barely blinked before he was gaining weight and breathing well and then... GOING HOME! I pray the same for Brayden.
What a beautiful sight to see your little guy eating and getting rocked to sleep! Great choice to stay!!!
Jenna, I stumbled onto your blog from Kelly's (I don't know her personally either!) but have been praying for Brayden as well as Harper. He's just done so well and the Lord has been gracious! As a former L & D nurse, I will tell you that you have made the right decision by keeping him there for now. He IS getting better very quickly and he'll likely be able to go home next week sometime if things continue to progress as they have been. Looks like your "motherly instincts" have kicked in just like his appetite did!
I'll continue to keep you all in our prayers until he is safely home!
Praise God! I too found your blog from Kelly's. (I don't know her personally either) We do not have to know each other to pray for one another. I cannot imagine what you all are going through. God is Good and your little miracle is living proof.
Such wonderful news, Brayden you keep showing those nurses what you can do. Way to go big guy.
Hugs and prayers.
Jenna, I found my way to your blog jumping from blog to blog on prayer requests, and have been following along with Brayden's story for about a week. I am so thankful to hear he has has such incredible progress! What a beautiful boy he is, and what wonderful parents he has! Continued prayers coming your way and keep that great news coming! Praise God!
Way to go, Brayden! :) Continuing to pray and so thankful for good reports! We serve a Mighty God!
Anne in TN
Awesome news. Hope to see ya'll home soon. Tell the big boy to keep going on that bottle. Grow! Grow! Grow! Blessings and prayers continue your way. Hold him, hug him, and thank GOD everyday for his accomplishment.
Glad he is improving! I will keep you guys in my prayers!
Praise the Lord!! I am so excited that he's doing so well!
God is so good isn't he.. We will continue to pray here in Missouri... You all are so precious..
Bottle feedings are one step closer to being out the door!!! I love reading all these posts of amazing progress each day!!! When my micro preemie was in the hospital they held off on feeding her and didn't expect her to do well with her first feeding either. She downed the entire thing and it was obvious that we had been holding HER back. So glad that he digested his food well!
By the way, this is the link to the one year post for my miracle baby.
I'm looking forward to seeing how Brayden continues to thrive and surpass everyone's expectations for him! He's such a fighter!
I love the picture of Daddy rocking him to sleep.
Still praying!!
Wow Thank you Jesus!
If you make the picture of Brayden eating you will notice his toes stretched out like he has been wanting a bottle forever! Ahh so cute
God definitely has little Brayden in His hands. I am expecting the next post to be just as amazing...hold him...bottle feeding...what's next?! I am so happy for you all!
Hi Jenna, I haven't left a comment before, but boy have I been praying for Brayden! Praise God for the healing He is doing to Brayden! So glad to see that he took that bottle like a champ! Watch it, boys can really EAT! Take care and know that someone in Pearland,TX is praying for your baby boy!
That is great news. I am so glad that he proved the nurse wrong. God is good for sure. You will have him home in no time.
You made the best decision for your family when staying at ACH and that's the right choice.
So glad to hear the good news! Your baby boy is adorable :)
Him taking that little bottle is the CUTEST thing! What a sweet, handsome little boy! Praise the Lord for his wonderful progess!
Still praying...
Awesome report! Thanks be to God!
Beautiful... absolutely beautiful. He's doing marvelous and only because of God's glorious healing power. Go Brayden!!!
What great news! You will be home with that little one before you know it!
Another great day for Brayden and I am so thrilled for him and for you. It is GREAT to see that he is eating a bottle all on his own and not having any problems. What a little fighter!!
Always praying for him.
Praise the Lord! God is good! I just love reading about how well Brayden is doing! He will be home before you know it! He is just the sweetest cutest little thing! I will keep praying my heart out for him and the rest of your family. Can't wait to hear what new thing he's doing tomorrow!
Hugs and prayers,
Heather~ On the Homefront
Oh, I'm so glad. Looks like he is over half-way home.
Praise God for all of Brayden's progress .. wow, he is certainly a fighter and defying all odds! I just got finished reading his whole story and he is such an inspiration! I will be praying for you! Can't wait to see you bring him home!
Okay, can I just say that this is a seriously adorable baby??!! I am loving the pictures of him and loving even more that he is responding so well and improving so much faster than expected. I agree that you made the right decision to stay where you are already comfortable with the routine and the personnel. You've had enough adjustments in the past week to last you a long time. It will be no time at all and he'll be heading for home with you. And when he's a teenager, he'll eat you out of house and home--you're getting a preview now... :0)
What wonderful news! Love the pictures! Still praying!
I found your blog in a very round-about way, and you have a beautiful family! Although this is just one of MANY comments, I wanted you to know that someone in North Carolina is praying for you. We'll keep it up until you ask us not to any more! Lots of love....
That is wonderful! I am so thankful he is improving so quickly! I will keep praying.
That is so great that he drank the bottle. He sure has come along way in such a short time. That is a fighter. Take care
What wonderful news. Brayden is getting stronger by the minute and before long he will be home ith Mom and Dad.
Making decisions in crunch moments can be so hard. I think I would have decided exactly what you did and kept him right where he is for now.
Still prying for ALL the NICU babies.
What wonderful news! I was so glad to hear that he was no longer in critical condition! My family and I have been praying for Brayden!
Yeah for the good news!! Praying.
What great news!
He sure is a beautiful boy!
I found your blog through Kelly's! I am praying for you, your husband, and your baby boy. God bless you all.
hi jenna! found your blog through kelly's. praying lots and lots of prayers for brayden and harper EVERY SINGLE DAY until these babes are home with their mommas and daddies! i have such admiration for you and your hubby and the way you have triumphed even in the most difficult situation. to GOD be the glory, great things HE hath done! way to go, brady boy!!!!!
What a great day!! I will continue to pray and I cannot wait to see the pics of him home with yall!!
No longer critical...PRAISE THE LORD!!!
That is just miraculous news Jenna!!!!!!!
We will keep praying for the upcoming MRI and for Bradyen to keep fighting.
And we will keep praying for wisdom for the nurses and doctors, and for peace and rest for Brayden's Mommy and Daddy!!!
kendra =)
This is wonderful news!! Brayden and Harper are little miracle babies in more ways than one! It makes me cry each time I read of his improvements. God is so good.
Continuing to pray...
Love from Little Rock!
Hi Jenna, I stumbled upon Kelly Stamps blog and yours just today and have really had ya'll's babies in my heart and prayers all day. First of all, Brayden is adorable!! I am truly amazed but not surprised by his progress as I have been in a similar situation and God is so Awesome in answering prayer. One thing I just wanted to let you know was that my daughter was on nitric oxide for 10 days through her ventilator and she had absolutely no adverse effects from it. They also warned me about brain bleeds being common, etc. but they found nothing. I just wanted to let you know that. It seems every year, the neonatal specialty gets better and better. My daughter Autumn is now 14 months old and starting to walk! Anyway, I will continue to pray for Brayden and for Harper. He is one strong little baby boy, breaking all those records and all. If you're interested, you can read Autumn's story here
Phenonmenal news all around today. Glad Brayden ate like a champ!! Yah!
Wow, Jenna! I am soo glad to hear all the wonderful news! Brayden is just a little teddy bear! AWW! Soo sweet! Again, I love the pics! Praying every day for Brayden, you and Chris and family!!
I started reading your blog through Kelly's blog and just know that you are in our prayers and by the looks of the comments many other family prayers!!
Yay! What exciting news! I am so excited about the progress that both he & Harper are making. Like the rest of the blog world, those two are near & dear to my heart. We're all praying that they'll be home with you guys soon, & from the sound of things, they will!
Very good choice to keep him where he is. I definitely wouldn't have wanted to transfer him, either. Although I do pray that he continues to improve, if he has any set back, you absolutely want him to be in the best NICU available.
I'm sure it would be nice to be closer to home, but I think the peace of mind knowing he is in good hands is worth it!! So just keep up the good work, Little Guy. You'll be home before you know it!! :)
Jenna I stumbled upon your blog by accident...actually maybe not. I have been home from work (I teach preschool for the local school district)with a back injury. I have cried tears of sadness when I read about you not being able to even touch Brayden. Then tears of joy when I saw the picture of you holding him. Thank you for taking the time to update each day. I pray for Brayden and Harper often throughout the day. As my grandfather would say...."Yay God!"
Much love,
China Lowry
Rio Rancho, NM
Amazing!!! You guys have done so well! Elijah was almost 2 weeks when I first held him. We had absolutely no luck with feeding from a bottle - he just didn't get the suck swallow thing! By the time we left hospital he was almost 6 weeks old and drinking 20mls at a time (and that was a good effort). I'm so glad that all is working out well - especially now that he is on low flow oxygen and is a natural at feeding! Congrats guys :)
What a sweet baby! I found Brayden and Harper through Bless This Nest. You all are in the hearts and prayers of MANY! God is good and faithful and will continue to carry you through!
Blessings :)
Yay Brayden!! I just want to squeeze you, your so darn cute!!
Yay for Brayden! That is wonderful news!!!! It won't be long now until you get to take that precious baby home!!!
I think you made the right decision about the hospital. It sounds like a great NICU.
That is thrilling news! God is Good!
What a pro Brayden is! He is fighting so hard, and I know you are so proud of your strong little boy! Prayers continue in Arlington, VA for Team Brayden and the other babies in the ICU. God is great!
Lauren Bowen
Jenna, I just wanted you to know I've been praying for precious little Brayden! He & Harper were the first thing that I thought of this morning so I prayed while laying in bed. I am so glad to read that he is doing better!
God has truly blessed your little man with the ablity to eat....there are many babies that don't get it from day one. and for those that have medical issues, can struggle all their lives with eating/textures etc. the nurse was good to warn you of the what if's. Praise God, He has answered our prayers and your little man is healing at great leaps and bounds. Praise God!!!
still praying in SC
It is simply amazing to see the wonderful progress that Brayden has made this week. We continue to keep him & your entire family in our prayers!
Yay, Brayden! So proud of you for "downing" your bottle!
Yeah! Those prayers are working and God is good!
Wonderful news Jenna! It is so good to hear. Still praying! Brayden is such a beautiful baby.
Your story is absolutely amazing. I found it through Kayleigh Freeman's site. Your families have touched my heart, and I am praying for your little Brayden to get better soon. My daughter,Kaylee, was in the NICU after birth and wouldn't eat. She had a feeding tube like Brayden and it would break my heart to not be able to feed her the first bottle she ever drank, and it took her a while to finally get the hang of it. I am so proud of little Brayden for figuring it out on his first try!! Way to go! Keep your heads up, you guys are amazing and you will have him home in no time!!
I found about Brayden for Harper(Kelly's Korner) I though I would let you know that I am praying for Brayden.
Praying in ND
God brought me to your blog,just as He brought me to Kelli's Korner. I hope and pray that baby Brayden continues to improve.I live in Covington,Tennessee and I have been blessed to have 2 healthy grandsons. The oldest one's middle name is Brayden so I found myself drawn to your blog!I don't know you nor Kelli but God does and thats all that matters!! God bless your family.
WOW! Being able to be released to the intermediate care nursery so quickly is AWESOME! And a bottle. Way to go champ. He really did turn his corner quickly.
You'll all be home soon...
You and your husband look so happy. I pray you stay in Gods graces as you Journey down the path of parenting. Your pumpkin looks great...
First time commenter, I just wanted to add my Congrats on his first bottle. He's a beautiful baby and i'm praying So hard for his Full recovery. I found your blog through another I read and was hooked as soon as I read Willow Creek. I know Exactly where that is, I'm in NW arkansas too, right outside of Fayetteville. I just thought i'd say HI and to add my prayers to so many others.
Awesome news!!! We continue to check you website and pray for you and your sweet family.
Take good care and keep us updated on Brayden's progress.... such great news. Praise God!
The Bliznik Family
Bucharest, Romania
That is wonderful news!! Continuing to pray for Brayden, you, and your hubby.
By the way, is there an address where we can send things for you guys and Brayden?
I'm still praying for your sweet baby.
This is super super news.... I have been following your blog.... I thought I would tell you I pray for you and your family.. God bless you and son you will be able to take him home....
Praise The Lord, your family is still in our hearts and prayers!!!! Thank you for sharing this season of life with us!!!!!
What wonderful news! He's a beautiful little guy.
I have been praying for Brayden and you both. I was so impressed with your decision making skills. I think you made such a well imformed choice keeping Brayden where he is. You two are such great parents. God certainly knew what he was doing when he entrusted the miracle Brayden with you both. Blessings, Elizabeth Baltimore, MD
Brayden is STILL in our prayers. You guys are being so strong!!!!
My son had an appt at Childrens on Thursday... as we were getting off the elevator, we seen you guys! I felt it in my heart to say something.. but yet I was so afraid of it not being you.. i just though i would put that tid bit out there!
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