Monday, December 1, 2008

Chiro Appt and Bargain Shopping

I had my appointment today, and while I wish I could say that I feel great, I can't....not quite yet at least.

Basically, my sciatica (sp?) is really, really pinched. Dr. M said it was quite bad. I have to go back again Weds for another adjustment. He also told me to ice it for 10 mins every two hours. But I have faith that he will get it fixed...I've had horrible pinched nerves in my neck before and he's always been able to work it out. He said that because it's been hurting for so long it's just continued to get worse and worse so it will need some time.

On another note, we drove to Oklahoma City and back yesterday. I DO NOT recommend doing that at 33 weeks pregnant. We stopped once on the way down and once on the way back. Not fun. But it was my decision to go so I guess I deserved it! Chris got a new truck and we had to drive down there to pick it up.

I went to see my best friend today and I learned a ton from her. She had little Landon a few weeks ago and she made me this great basket full of things I can get a lot of use out of once we have Brayden!

Speaking of having Brayden....I could possibly have a baby this month! Oh my word! He would be early of course, and I'd rather be having him next month when he's closer to his due date, but still...I could have a baby this month! Wow, how crazy is that. In a lot of ways it still doesn't quite feel real. I woke up this morning and had to check my tummy to make sure it was still huge...I had a dream that this whole pregnancy was a dream! I think when you've waited for something for a long time it's just a surreal experience, if that makes sense.

For any online bargain shoppers, old navy has two coupon codes that you can use today...

ONEDAY will give you free shipping and SAVENOW will give you 20% off your purchase. I have one more gift to get Chris' 15 yr old stepsister and I know she really likes ON so I was coupon hunting!

Edited to add: I just placed my order...I got my SIL a faux fur lined hoodie and matching scarf which would normally come to over $40.00 before tax or shipping but because of the above codes, the total was $23.00!

Oh, and for anyone who loves shopping online, I wanted to share a great site with you for finding coupon codes:

So are you almost done with your shopping? I'm probably 75% done...not too bad for Dec 1!


The Allens said...

You are wonderful with all your coupon hints. I had never heard of Tiny Prints, but I have the website bookmarked now!

Kendra said...

Ohhh...thanks for the tips! I knew about the 20%, but not the shipping!! Good thing I hadn't finished shopping yet =-)

Lianna Knight said...

I hope your back gets better soon...I know you must be miserable :(

Thanks for the coupon link...I'm hoping to buy a table from World Market SOON and this will come in handy!!

Kelly said...

Thanks for the tip on Old Navy. I just bought Harper two dresses and some tights. They were already on sale so with 20% off and free shipping - it was a pretty good deal.

Jennifer said...

Thanks for the coupons! I hope you get feeling better soon! I know that's got to be miserable!

Robin said...

I'll be interested to find out how it goes with your Chiropractor during future visits. Some people have mentioned something about sciatica to me about my back problems right now. I definitely feel your pain!!

Amanda Ledford said...

Sorry you aren't feeling good. :-( Sciatica pain is the worst! Thanks for the coupon link!!! That will definitely help out!

Emily said...

hope your back starts to feeling better!!! ive been prayinig for you!

CAMoore said...

Score on the coupons! Thanks for the hint!! I am heading over to and ordering a velour jumpsuit for christmas gifts! :)

I had that same sciatic nerve pain while I was prego with Cyler. It sure was painful...I feel for ya!

Heather said...

A road trip to OK is hard no matter what....but 33 weeks pregnant? You are my hero! I really hope your back gets better!
I totally know what you mean about the dream- I still can't believe there is a baby in my belly! It just doesn't seem real!

tootie said...

I use "retailmenot" all the time! In fact, I just used it today, and I got free shipping on an order.

I'll have to check out Old Navy's deals - that's one of my favorite stores!

Megan L Hutchings said...

Thank you for the coupon tip ;)!

I so hope your back starts to feel better soon!!!

Anonymous said...

You didn't need any help! You did a great job on your header. So cute!

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