Tomorrow we are headed to Oklahoma City to get Chris' new truck. I'm not overly thrilled about a 6 hour drive but I choose to go so I guess I can't complain! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!
Please ignore my lack of a manicure...I ripped off my acrylic nails that I've had for YEARS because I highly doubt I will be making it to my regular 2 week appointments with a newborn. Therefore my nails look awful.
Anyway, so I say nearly ringless because I left one of my wedding bands on - I can't bear to part with it. My engagement ring, other band, and right hand ring all had to come off. I was starting to worry that if I didn't take them off that someone would have to cut them off and that scares me! My ring fingers now have what appears to be permanent indentions on them!
I also learned that heels are now pretty much out of the question. That makes me sad. I love my heels. But I wore a pair of heeled boots to church yesterday and we ended up standing a LOT more that usual, and I thought I was going to pass out! Chris kept whispering "Do you need to sit? Are you okay?" which I thought was sweet. Either that or he could see PAIN written across my face, I'm not sure which!
The rest of yesterday was spent out at our property decorating the cabin for Christmas...which was a lot of fun! My back hurt so bad by the time I got home (I think it was around 6:30) that I climbed straight into bed and did not get out. Chris brought me everything I needed and then went back upstairs to finish watching the Dallas game with Jared (they had recorded it).
It's so comfy!
Today we worked on some of our Christmas shopping, and then I started to have a mini freakout session about bottles. Why, I have no idea, but it suddenly occurred to me that if I went into preterm labor we wouldn't have a sufficient supply of bottles...so we ran to Wal-Mart, where I ran into Kelly! Too funny!
Tomorrow we are going to church and then probably spending some time with my family, especially since my grandma is still in town. I hope everyone's having a great weekend!
And opening some gifts...
A special gift from my mom...
She got me a Mom locket from Tiffany's as well as a silver spoon (and she got the Grandma locket). I was so surprised, the last thing I expected to see at my baby shower was a little blue box!
We seriously had the best food ever. A friend of ours is a caterer and she did all of the food for the shower...we had my favorite chicken salad, porchuitto and melon, fresh made hummus, brushetta and tapenade, spinach and artichoke dip, fresh fruit, and a lot more that I can't remember because I couldn't fit it on my plate!
In addition to a lot of wonderful gifts, I got a lot of great tips from a friend that has two little girls. There is just so much I don't know - we don't have any babies in our family and I feel clueless on some of the things that are probably super basic.
I managed to get all my thank you's written yesterday (which is why I wasn't on here) and that really relieved some stress!
Sunday we went to take a tour of L and D at my hospital which is conveniently located about 5 minutes from my house! Their labor suites are ENORMOUS! I thought the ones at Willow Creek were huge! My goodness, I don't know what I need that much room for! They also have a kitchen stocked full of goodies for mommy after you deliver. And of course they allow you to bring things in which is nice...because I just want a turkey sandwich from Panera! Do you know how long it's been since I've had a deli meat?!
I should have some nursery pictures soon...we made a ton of progress. I also did some art projects that I want to share!
Today is our final attempt at the 4D ultrasound...it's at 2pm. I really hope we get a good picture but if we don't I know I will be seeing him live and in person soon! Oh gosh, that's kind of scary to say! I feel so unprepared!