That story leads me to this story, and then we'll get back to the whole stroller debacle.
So I went to change some things on my registry and my registry was GONE. GONE. Finito. Adios. Bye bye. No more.
So in a panic I called BRU and they said the same thing...actually she said, "Hmm, yep, it's missing." Very encouraging words to hear when you are frantic. Anyway, 40 minutes later, the registry is back up and running.
And back to strollers...
So here I sit, staring at the stroller he picked. It doesn't have my parent tray, baby tray, mommy cupholder or even the size basket I wanted. To be fair, all the ratings on it seem really good. Oh, would you like to see a pic?
Here you go:

The toddler seat shown with raingear on (and I'm fairly sure that cupholder doesn't come with it):

So I think we've reached an agreement. If this stroller doesn't get purchased off our registry (and it's kind of expensive so I doubt it will) then I get the stroller I want! At least, I think he agreed...that could have just been me telling him what I thought should happen...
SO, I want to know...what stroller do you have? Do you love it? Be specific...tell me what exact one you have (for example Graco Quattro Tour in Deco...not that I'm saying that is the one I really want...) and what you love and hate about it!
We purchased the Graco Metro Lite Travel System when we had Quinn and I love it. I actually even used it as my jogging stroller until she was big enough for the actual jogging stroller, so it is light, but very sturdy. The stroller Chris picked out looks very sleek and modern, which is good and all, but function is very important in a stroller. And without a cup holder, baby tray and big enough under basket you will be in a heap of trouble when you're out shopping by yourself with the baby. The Graco Quattro has ALL the bells and whistles, but was way to bulky and heavy for me. I wanted something simple and easy to use, but functional and it didn't cost an arm and leg to buy. So for price and functionality.....I say Graco Metro Lite Travel System. Picking the stroller is hard, there are so many to choose from.
My first post! I love reading your blog and seeing the progression of your lovely baby bump and pregnancy.
Husbands stroller is sleek and modern looking but you will regret not having some simple convenience. I have for both my children and for the third on the way have always had a graco quattro. Some people say they are heavy but I have never had trouble lifting it into my Honda Pilot, and it folds down one handed. The cup holders are a must for any walk or trip to the zoo. A handy place to store you keys or hand sanitizer or what ever is also great. Also, you will soon find out that almost any toddler can be put in a better mood with a snack. Snack tray for baby is a must. If you where wanting a hire end stroller you might look at the Combi. A bunch of friends have it and love it. I say go with the Graco. One more thing, the infant seat that goes with the Graco has one of the highest safty ratings. We all want our babies kept safe. Boy when I post I post. Sorry its so long. Good Luck
(mom of two and one on the way from Washington State_
We have the Graco Travel System Melbourne. We used it today when we tailgated at the Razorback game and it was great!! It has two mommy cup holders, which worked great for the two of us while we were at the tailgate. It also has a little box between the cup holders that I used for his pacifier today. It was within easy reach, but it would also be great for putting keys in. It has the big basket at the bottom. I stuck the diaper bag and camera down there and I didn't have to carry anything!
The kids tray is great too. The carseat snaps in so easily. It also seems to fold up very easily. It takes Josh little effort to put it in our Pilot. I haven't tried it yet because of the C section, but it looks at if it will be light enough for me to lift easily as well. I'm sure the other one is nice, but for function you can't beat Graco. Everyone at our tailgate kept calling it the Cadillac of strollers. I haven't found anything I don't like about it!
I really enjoy reading your blog too. We have 3 kids, and my favorite stroller is the peg preggio pliko 3. After much research we chose it for versatility and size. We travel a lot by plane and this one folds like an umbrella stroller just slightly larger. You get the baby tray and fully adjustable reclining seat with optional car seat adapter, but no mama tray. The handles are separate but adjustable which was important to me because both my husband and I are 6'. The storage basket is on the smaller size, but a toddler or even my four year old can stand on a special bar in the back and ride if we need to move quickly. I really love this stroller. The downsides are it's plastic and after many a plane trip some of the locking systems have broken off and the standard cup holder can only hold a small water bottle. This thing takes up minimal space, fairly lightweight, easy to operate and manuever, and very utilitarian. Other brands friends love are phil & teds, B.O.B for jogging, and zooper. Happy searching!
We have the Graco Quattro in Deco -I have no complaints except the back tires stick out a little further than the front tires & I run into things in stores/small spaces. But that is also user error - Mike doesn't have the same problem - ha! It pops up/folds down with a simple twist & fits in the trunk of the Honda easily if we put it in at the right angle. I can lift it without problems because it goes so flat. We got an extra base for the car seat to go back & forth between cars. It has walked many, many miles with me already, but I won't jog with it when he's able - too bulky/heavy. Our friend gave us a Zooper his child had outgrown when Wells is old enough to try it out. However, the one your hubby picked out is very cool looking!
I think your hubby made a fair deal with could register for BOTH and whichever one someone buys for you....there you go :)
I am new to your blog, over from Shannon. I enjoy reading your journey, as I am a new parent to a baby boy (4 months old now). Anyway, I saw your Kate Spade carrier and am way jealous because I wanted that one. But, I do have the Maclaren Kate Spade Biarritz stroller and LOVE it! It is for babies 3 months and older, so I had to use a snap and go stroller prior to my son turning 3 months. I love that it is lightweight and folds up nicely for easy storage. Even though it has no parent or baby tray, I love, love, love that stroller. I also have the matching diaper bag;)
We LOVE our Phil & Ted's stroller!!! It works well for leisurely strolls in the mall or hikes on uneven terrain outdoors. The maneuverability of this stroller in tight spaces is amazing! One of its best features is how easily it converts into a double stroller. There are several ways to configure the double seat to grow with your family. I am very pleased with our choice!
It does not have cup holders like you mentioned, but there is a cup holder attachment made by Phil & Ted's that you can purchase to add on.
If you are interested, Let's Go Strolling does free stroller consultations at
Good luck!
So frustrating they lost your registry! Glad they got it back up and running. : )
That's funny! I'm getting my friend's stroller because she didn't use it much. It is a Graco, though I don't know which one. We also registered for a jobbing strolled at BRU, but I let my husband pick that out because he is the runner...
We have the Graco Quattro in Darius. It's a neutral green/brown pattern. So far I'm really happy with it. It's really easy to steer with one hand when you need to. I also like all the extras like cupholders and "cargo" storage! It's a great mall stroller. :)
You are so sweet and funny ;)! I hope everything works out with the stroller!
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