The pictures don't do it justice. I've never been so organized in MY LIFE! The canned goods go by order of what they are(rows of tomatoes, green beans, fruits, canned beans etc) and that blob next to the can of pumpkin is a tupperware container with all my loose packets of seasonings.
All my baking stuff is below that and organized...chocolate chips, coconut, nuts, sugars etc.
I should seriously have taken close ups because it is a thing of beauty. Ha! I'm soooo glad to check this off my list! We made over our closet (which is almost as big as my old bedroom at my parents house! Seriously, an undertaking!) and now our pantry and I'm done! Yay!
Haha! Girl, I need some of that pregnant energy! My pantry is a wreck. There is just never enough time or energy to get it organized. I'm impressed!
WOW! In our apartment, we only have one small "pantry" that I have to practically crawl in to get most of our food! It's hard to organize in there!I am proud of you, Jenna! YAY!
thanks jenna...we did have a blast at my shower! i ordered our cribs at www.rosenberryrooms.com check it out...a little expensive but well worth it!!!! you sound like me with all your organizing...i tackled the pantry last weekend!!
It looks great!! I love cleaning out and organizing! I worked on my laundry room today. :)
I just love organizing...doesn't it make you feel so accomplished afterwards?
After you said pumpkin...I started wanting a homemade pumpkin pie!!! ha!!
I LOVE to organize! I've actually had less energy since I've been pregnant, though!
Can you come to my house next????
I have our guest room and nursery closets to try and tackle this weekend (along with our closet). And on my list eventually is our pantry.
i stumbled across your blog from a comment on a page! And I keep coming back.... congrats on your upcoming baby and great job on your organzing...when I got married in march my friend came over while we were on our honeymoon and organized our whole new house!!! Now I try to keep it organized....
Jenna, thanks so much for stopping by my blog! I must admit, I have looked at your blog a time or two through Amanda Moore's. Congratulations on your pregnancy! I had my 1st baby on Jan. 15th, 2007 so that is an awesome time of year!! I can't wait to follow your journey!
I love any kind of closet clean-out!! Glad you're "nesting!" Have a great week!
It sounds like you are getting some of that nesting going on ;)!
Your pantry looks amazing!!!
Jenna - since it looks like your house is in order, if you ever feel the need to clean come on over to mine. Ha!
Seriously, I am envious of that clean pantry. I try & try, but as soon as I bring groceries home, mine goes back to messy.
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