Friday, September 26, 2008

One more update

I have to make this quick, but I spoke too soon yesterday. Chris had a lot of bleeding and we were up all night. I called his dr first thing this morning and we went in. They immediately removed the pain pump from his stomach. They would never admit the problem but I know that it all stemmed from the pump. He is now on his pain meds which are helping some. Hopefully tonight will be much better.


Jennifer said...

Jenna, I hope Chris gets feeling better soon! I will be praying for a quick recovery and lots of rest for you both this weekend!

Lianna Knight said...

I'll keep him in my prayers...I know you are taking good care of him :)


Anonymous said...

How is your hubby doing now? I'm praying for him!

Oh and I just tagged you on my blog when you get time!

Kelly said...

Hope Chris is doing okay!

Megan L Hutchings said...

Bless his heart! Hope he is doing okay!!!!

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