Other than that little jewel, my doctor appointment today went well. My doctor and nurses told me how petite I look for almost 22 weeks (I needed a small self confidence boost today!) and so that made me feel really good. It's odd seeing a number on the scale that I NEVER thought I would see though. I'm not crazy enough to tell you what that number was, but it was one I've never seen in correlation with me before. I've been having a TON of ligament and pelvic pain and he said everything was normal, so that also calmed me down.
Oh, and he told me that birthing class is not required which I'm excited about. I used my best friend Amy's line and asked him if I watched enough Baby Story on TLC would that cover me? I guess he'd never heard that before and he was rolling. Since we've already established (at each and every appointment) that I am having an epidural I'm not too concerned about the class. He said they mainly talk about the different instruments that are used etc so that you don't freak out.
Tonight is Bunco night! I'm nervous/excited! I wish I could get over my shyness, it holds me back in so many areas of life, but I just have such a huge fear of rejection. I'm working on it!
Yumo! That dish looks so good ;)!
About the glucose test...
I just held my nose and went for it! I know that may not work for you, but if you feel comfortable you can give it a try ;)! Just remember that this is all for Brayden...you are going to be the BEST mom!
Also, I hope you have fun at Bunco! It is such a blast!
I have the glucose test next week. I just hope I pass so I don't have to do the 3 hour test. YUCK!
I've had TERRIBLE round ligament pain. Mostly at night but it's been better this week. YEAY!
See you tonight! It will be fun!
You are too funny! I am shy too but I'm working on it too! :)
That chicken looks so good Do those noodles taste good?
OH they are yummy! I love whole wheat pasta from Ronzoni because it tastes just like regular pasta!
Hi. Happened upon your blog somehow and thought I would comment today. I have a little boy that is one. So over a year ago I had the same test. I DREADED the test but guess what I actually loved it. It was good. So don't worry too much about it at least just yet!!!! Wishing you the best!!
Have fun tonight!
That dish looks so yummy. Your posts bring back so many memories from my pregnancy. Have fun at bunco, I am shy to and it does hold me back from doing lots of fun things.
I hope you guys have a GREAT time at Bunco...you'll love it. And take a ton of pics...I can't wait to see how much you enjoy it!
Oh...I also ended up not making the creamy italian chicken :( Hubby was in the mood for bacon wrapped jalapeno chicken instead YUM!!!
The chicken looks yummy!!
I was still having morning sickness when I took my glucose test, but I didn't throw it back up in the lab tech's face! Actually, I got the orange flavor and I liked it! I might be weird though. It's not like I want to drink it every day, but it's not that bad. I think people tell you such awful things about that test and then it ends up being no big deal. So maybe you will have the same experience I did!!
I have my glucose test sept 29! So you'll have to fill me in on the details! I didn't get to take my drink home though...we have to drink it in the lab and sit around for an hour. I'm gonna stack the deck in my favor and not eat anything sugary the day before at all! I do not want to do the 3 hr test!
I completely identify with you because I am shy too! I have a hard time in new situations, but I'm working on it. I also wanted to say I had a very similar experience while waiting for this baby...I hope I've grown in the way the Lord had intended of me.
It was so nice to meet you too. You are so sweet! I actually liked the glucose test drink. It is just very sweet Kool-aide. Your food looks VERY good!
Don't mean to scare you, but my epidural didn't work! I was planning all along to have one and they tried twice with no luck! Just a thought to be extra prepared!
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